Chapter 32

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 -Please, wait here while I call them.
 -Them who? -Phillipa asked.

    The man in black just looked at us and whispered ''don't worry'' and then grinned. Was it the guys?

    ''Are they here? Already?'' we heard Ashton's voice and then he showed up behind a wall. His face went from normal to enthusiastic in less than a second. Behind him, Luke, Calum and Michael appeared, all of them sweaty and tired from the show they just gave.

 -Guys! -Zoey screamed.

    All of them ran to us and started hugging and squeezing. I hugged every single one of them, but then there was Michael. He grabbed both of my arms and took a good look at me, before he hugged me. Whille his arms were wrapped around my body, I could feel his heartbeat on my chest. I noticed him smiling to himself.

 -What is it?
 -You're wearing my T-shirt...
 -Oh, I completely forgot about that. -I chuckled.

    We were all wearing band merch. I was wearing a white T-shirt with ''Clifford 95'' on the back. Zoey was wearing Luke's shirt, Phillipa was wearing Calum's and Christy was using Ashton's.

 -We haven't talked in a while. -Michael continues.
 -Yeah... It wasn't even for a few weeks ago that I found out you guys were famous.
 -I'm sorry about that, I should've warned you that we're extremely wanted by ladies now. -he laughed.

    I moved my head down so he couldn't see my expression. I know he was joking but I was jealous of it. I tried to recompose myself and looked back at him.

 -Oh, and sorry if we kept you were... If you want to rest we'll leave you. We saw you on the front row so we decided to call you to be with us again. I never thought the whole gang would be together again.
 -Yeah, neither did I. Especially after what happened.
 -What happened?
 -You know, the whole ''break up'' thing.

    Michael went silent and then dragged me with him to his dressing room.

 -Can I have a word?
 -Sure, Mikey...

    He looked at me and gave me a sweet smile when he heard ''Mikey'' coming out of my mouth. I thought it wasn't a good idea to say it, but I was so used to it that it just slipped.

 -I missed you... And hearing you calling me ''Mikey''.
 -I missed you too. -I tried to do my best to smile.
 -I'm so sorry I stopped talking... And I'm sorry I was cold to you. I want to start again.
 -What do you mean?
 -I want us to act like we don't know each other. I want us to start all over again, with no drama. I want you to get to know me again and I want to get to know you again. Is that alright?
 -Michael, explain me exactly how are we going to do this. You're on tour... You're going to travel around the world.
 -I'm spending a few days here with the boys, then we can text or call or something... Please.
 -Don't pout! Ugh, okay, sure. -I paused- How many days are you going to spend here?
 -Well... 3.
 -That's not a lot...
 -I know, but let's enjoy it, promise?


              ~Phillipa's P.O.V.~

    Michael and Sophia just went to the dressing room, alone. I hope they try to talk about what happened because if they don't, I will come in that door and slap Michael. They both deserve to be happy... And speaking about being happy, I'm in front of the main reason I smile and cry. Calum. He's here, just standing in front of me... Looking at me. I don't know what to say, or even if I should say something to him... I took a deep breath and got closer.

 -So, how are things going?
 -Pretty well. -he ignored me a bit.
 -Yeah, I can see that.

    We both stopped in time for a while and then looked into each other eyes. Oh, how I missed his brown puppy eyes. I just want to hold him in my arms again, but I can't. He seems... different.

 -Look, I have to go... I have to rest now. Tomorrow I'll wake up early to work, you know, on band stuff.

    I felt like he was doing it on purpose, like he didn't want to be around me anymore.

 -Oh, that's fine. I'm fine...Bye.

    And without any more looks or words, he left. Just like that... I'm starting to thing that fame changed him. But I feel like he needs someone beside him, but definately not me. The thoughts are running through my head so I let a tear escape from my eyes and just go away like he did.

 -Hey Phillipa, are you alright?

    Christy asks me, and even though I know I'm not, I have no patience for people pretending to care about me. I know by fact that Christy only came here to be with Ashton. I have a feeling like she doesn't want to be with us, or even like us at all. Maybe it's just an impression, but I feel it. And Zoey... Well, Zoey is even worst. She got so jealous by the fact that I was staying at Luke's place in Australia that she ignores me completely. I know she likes Sophia, but me? I think she hates me. I think that both of them are here for their best and not to be with us and every single little speech they gave us was all lies.

    I tried my best to be friends with them, but they just won't let me and now they're with their sweethearts, they don't care about me.

    Even with all of these thoughts on my head I try to look calm and swallow them so they won't get out.

 -I'm fine, just tired. I'm heading to the hotel, tell Sophia I'm waiting there for her.
 -Sure, bye. Stay safe... -Zoey says.

    Yeah, like that's what you want.


              ~Sophia's P.O.V.~

 -We should go now, I'm really tired and my ears are burning from all the screams.
 -Yeah, our fans are pretty crazy- Michael laughed.
 -But also really sweet!
 -I know...
 -Have you ever thought of dating one of them?
 -Sophia, let's take thing slow, okay?
 -Oh, no... I'm not saying because I'm interested or anything... Just curiosity.
 -Hmm. -he nodded.
 -Shut up, Michael.
 -So you did learned something with me. -we both chuckled.
 -Yeah, I guess I did.

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