Chapter 1: Ilvermorny

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When Newt enters the Great Hall on September 1st 1913, he's confused to say the least. People at all tables are chattering excitedly between themselves, something that in itself isn't very unusual, but rather what he hears as he quietly passes them on his way to the long Hufflepuff table. The teachers have yet to arrive, and the students are taking advantage of it by speaking as loudly as they want.

He ignores it as he walks towards an open spot near the front of the Hufflepuff table, and he's almost reached it when Leta jogs up to him. "Newt!" she shouts, catching his attention. He turns to her as she skids to a halt in front of him. She grins at him and engulves him in a bone crushing hug, pinning his arms to his sides, her head resting on his chest.

Newt freezes for a moment, caught off guard, and tentatively puts his arms around the shorter girl. "Hello, Leta..."

She pulls away from him, releasing him from her tight grip. She looks up at him expectantly. "Have you heard the news?" she asks, excitedly.

Newt's brows furrow. "No?"

Leta looks at him exasperatedly, as if she can't quite believe him. "Are you serious?" she asks making Newt frown down at her, still not getting it. "There are rumors Hogwarts is hosting exchange students from Ilvermorny this year!" she exclaims.

"Oh," Newt says, and Leta rolls her eyes at his lack of enthusiasm.

"Oh?" she asks. "Isn't it cool?"

Newt shrugs, looking down at the floor.

She looks towards the teachers' table. Many of of the teachers have arrived now and so has most of the students. "I'll talk to you later then?" she asks, looking back up at him. Newt nods, giving her a small smile.

"Yeah," he says.

Leta smiles at him before turning and walking back to the Slytherin table. He can't help but notice that she looks very pretty today. She always does.

He watches her leave for a second before turning and sitting down at the table, leaving a bit of space between him and the other students. He guesses that when the first years get here it'll get fuller. And if the rumors about the Ilvermorny students are true, all the tables are sure to be packed by the end of the evening.

It doesn't take long for the rest of the teachers and students to filter in, professor Dumbledore giving him a small wave before the headmaster, Phineas Black steps forth. He doesn't look overjoyed at being there and Newt can't blame him. He's not very popular among the students and even some of the teachers. Newt is pretty sure he hates his job and the fact that he puts up with any of Newt's little "stunts" is quite impressive.

Newt keeps to himself, keeping his gaze mostly to the wood of the table. His eyes inspecting the swirls and lines in the material as he waits for the grand meal to start and he can get to the common room so he can get just a little bit of privacy. Even though there would be other Hufflepuffs there too. It'd be more alone than this.

"Welcome to another year of learning at Hogwarts," Black bellows to the students. "This year we have the honour of hosting a few exchange students from Ilvermorny. They will be staying in the dormitories with you just like any other Hogwarts student. Now please wish them a warm welcome."

The hall fills with excited whispers.

He gestures to the entrance as a group of students in blue and cranberry coloured robes walk into the Great Hall. They smile and wave as they walk up to the front, ranging from second years to at least sixth years by the looks of it.

Professor Black greets them and they scatter throughout the Hall, sitting down at the different tables with the Hogwarts students. A small, blonde witch drags a slightly taller and older, brown haired witch after her towards the Hufflepuff table, and much to Newt's discomfort, up to him.

"Come on, Teen!" the little girl says as she practically sitting the older girl at the table next to him. When she's sat down herself she turns to Newt and gives him a toothy grin.

"Hi! I'm Queenie," she says, then gestures to the other girl. "And that's my sister, Tina."

Newt, despite being older than both the girls, looks down at the table timidly, not expecting to be addressed like that. He glances at them and gives them a shy smile, cheeks flushing the slightest tint of red. "I'm - I'm Newt," he mumbles.

"You're a shy one, aren't you?" Queenie asks. "That's okay, Tina is a bit shy too sometimes." Newt blinks, looking down at her. "You seem nice," she says.

Tina scoffs, rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry about that," she says with an amused smile on her lips. "Well - it's nice to meet you, Newt," Tina says, smiling kindly at him.

Newt nods. "It's - It's nice to meet you too," he says.

Queenie practically beams at him then.

Professor Black says a few more words, something about the Ilvermorny students and where they'll be staying and about their classes. Apparently Pukwudgies are staying with the Hufflepuffs, and judging by Queenie's gleeful grin at him as professor Black says it, Queenie is a Pukwudgie. He gives her a small smile.

Tina does not look as excited about the Thunderbirds staying with the Gryffindors in one of the towers, but Queenie comforts her, assuring her it's going to be okay, and that they'll hang out together a lot. Newt can't help but crack a smile at the exchange.

Then the first years enter the hall, a mix between excited and nervous skips in their steps as they wander up towards the sorting hat. It doesn't take too long before every single one of them has been sorted and have sat down at their respective tables.

The Ilvermorny students watch the sorting with great interest, having never witnessed something quite like it before. Queenie seems especially fascinated by it. She grins widely when the hat sings and she claps excitedly along with the other students as they're sorted into their respective houses.

A few more words are said and the meal is served. Queenie proves to be quite the foodie as she looks at all the food with utter delight, eager to try everything she can. She frequently asks Newt about dishes she doesn't recognize, and she is excited to try them all.

Apparently she loves cooking and is very enthusiastic about food, according to Tina.

Newt finds that he quite likes them.

Published 20/02/2020

It's been years since I wrote a multichapter fic oof.

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