Chapter 3: Bowtruckles

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After the girls have finished their classes for the day they find themselves in the Hogwarts library doing their homework and chatting quietly between themselves. The library is huge, with what looks like endless shelves of books. Tina can't imagine you would ever run out of things to read in here.

"So," Queenie begins, grinning cheekily. "Have you met any cute boys yet?"

Tina snorts, keeping her gaze in her book. She shakes her head, though a grin is evident on her face. "No," she says. "I haven't."

"not even one?" Queenie asks, in a playful tone.

Tina looks up from the book, finally deciding she's bored of reading about Astronomy. "How are the Hufflepuffs?" she asks. "Are they nice? The other Gryffindors say they're a bit boring."

Queenie grins. "They're great!" she exclaims. "They're so nice and sweet. Especially the shy one - Newt. You know the one we sat with."

Tina nods. She remembers him. The boy that kept giving them shy glances and short, mumbled answers to their questions. The boy who looked like he didn't quite understand why they were talking to him of all people. The boy who had to be at least 2 years older than her yet seemed nervous in their presence.

"He's a real sweetheart - that one," Queenie says. "He doesn't look like he has many friends though, but I like him."

Tina smiles. It's good that Queenie is making friends here. Even if Tina herself is having some trouble coming out of her shell. Queenie always was the more outgoing of the two of them.

Tina nods. "That's nice," she says.

"The common room is so cozy and welcoming," Queenie gushes. "And it's right next to the kitchen! You should come see it someday."

Tina can't help but chuckle at her sister.

Tina finds the Gryffindor common room to be quite nice. The other students seem friendly, though she's not sure how welcome guests from other houses are, seeing as the entrance is password protected. She's sure Queenie understands.

Queenie perks up then. "Would you look at that!" she says, pointing towards Newt who's walking past, carrying an assortment of books in his arms. "There he is! Newt!"

Newt pauses and looks at her, surprised, but upon realizing who called his name he smiles weakly at her. Queenie motions for him to come over to them. Newt thinks for a moment, adjusting the books in his arms before walking over to them. He places the books on the table in front of him and sits down.

"Hello, Queenie," he mumbles. He glances up at Tina who gives him a friendly smile. "Tina."

"Hi, Newt."

Queenie straightens up and looks at the books. "Watcha got there?" she asks. Newt looks up at her, as if he never expected anyone to have any interest in anything to do with him. Before he has time to answer Queenie gasps, delighted. "Bowtruckles?" she asks. She hasn't even looked at the book. "What are those?"

Newt almost forgot Queenie can read minds for a moment.

Tina gives Queenie an alarmed look. "Queenie!" she scolds, giving her a look.

Queenie brushes her off, unconcerned. "He knows, Teenie - don't worry," she says.

Tina looks over at Newt who smiles shyly at her from behind his messy bangs. She gives him a look. "You told him?" she asks.

Queenie shakes her head, not looking very worried at all. "He found out by himself," she explains. "Don't worry about it. He's not like that."

Newt gives them a curious look, but doesn't say anything, already feeling quite awkward listening to their bickering. Instead he waits patiently for them to finish. Tina, he finds, reminds him somewhat about Theseus right now. The thought makes his lips quirk in amusement. It must be an older sibling thing.

"Anyway," Queenie says, turning back to Newt. "What is a Bowtruckle?"

Newt can't help but grin. "A Bowtruckle is a magical creature that lives in trees - wand quality trees," Newt explains. "They're fairly hard to spot though as they blend in with the trees so well and they're very shy towards humans."

He sees Tina regarding him carefully from the corner of his eye. Queenie either doesn't notice, or she chooses to ignore it.

"But you've seen some, haven't you?" Queenie says, sounding fascinated with him.

Newt nods eagerly. "There's a tree right outside school grounds where a branch lives," he says, eyes practically sparkling as he talks about them. "I managed to befriend them in my third year - you see, they only come out if they trust you."

"How exciting!" Queenie exclaims. She looks at Tina. "Tina's taking Care of Magical Creatures, right?" she asks.

Tina nods shyly. "I thought It'd be fun," she mumbles.

"That's right," Newt says. "You don't have Care of Magical Creatures at Ilvermorny!"

Tina and Queenie both nod. "A shame, really," Queenie says.

Newt can hardly imagine not having Care of Magical Creatures. It's his favourite subject and he doesn't know what he'd do if he didn't have it. He wouldn't like it very much at least.

Newt looks down at his lap timidly, absentmindedly picking at his cuticles. "I could - um - show you some time," he mumbles.

Queenie beams at him, basically radiating sunshine. "We'd love that!" she exclaims. "Right Teenie?"

Tina nods slowly, a faint smile on her lips.

Newt smiles shyly at them. The only other person to show genuine interest in magical creatures before is Leta. Usually they just think he's weird. A warm feeling spreads in his chest. He can definitely see himself being friends with Tina and Queenie.

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