Chapter 34: I don't hit women

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It's been a week since Liel took my virginity. I went to the store late that night with Liel because I was too worried to wait. And when Liel went to use the bathroom, I quickly purchased a box of pregnancy tests. I haven't had time to take a test, yet, but I have been taking birth control as I should be. 

Ever since I gathered the twenty boys together, they've all gotten stronger and they have a lot more skills. I have split the twenty boys into my own groups of five based on their strengths and weaknesses. I didn't put two people with the same skill-set in the same group to make sure they all knew how to deal with different scenarios.

Tomorrow is the day we are going to get the guys back. The twenty boys already know of the dangers they are going to be facing but they still want to help. I learned that they all see the guys as their friends so I guess that helps.

Right now, we are doing hand-to-hand combat. I gave everyone partners then said "good luck." There were only a few grumbles of disagreement but no one complained too much to where I would have to do something about it. 

Jacobs and Wilkins came earlier today to help out. After breakfast, Liel and I went to HQ and I had a meeting with all the agents. I told them about everything that is happening and what my plan was and most of them said they would be glad to help. There was only one man that started arguing and saying that I should go back to be homeless. Liel set him back in his place with a broken nose though. So he is irrelevant right now.

Liel and I are walking around and correcting anyone who needs help. I just finished correcting Harley's posture - a boy who plays lacrosse - when my phone starts ringing. I take it out of my pocket and I check the caller ID. Seeing that it's Leah, I run into the weapons room.

"Hello?" I answer and I hear Leah sigh tiredly on the other end. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Are you guys ready for tomorrow?"

"I shouldn't have brought civilians into this... They're all doing great and all... But I am risking all of their lives. They all have families to get back to. I have all their lives in my hands, Leah... Why did I decide to do that?" Leah sighs and I hear shuffling on her end.

"If those men didn't want to do this, they would've left. They chose to help. You didn't force them, okay?" I sigh but agree with her."Now, that wasn't the only reason I called you. These people aren't afraid to get civilians involved. We need to make sure they don't get close to them."

"I will make sure no more civilians getting hurt and dragged into this mess," I say with determination and Leah agrees, saying she'll stay by my side through it all.

We talk a bit more before she says she has to go. We say our goodbyes and I hang up the phone. Sighing deeply, I reenter the gym and I immediately notice a pair that aren't doing too good. Liel is helping another group while the grown-ups are nowhere in sight.

I walk up to the pair that are having troubles and I stop them from continuing.

"Finely, your legs are too close together. You need to position them farther apart to keep a good balance. Jacob, you need to pull your fists back quicker. Here, punch me in the stomach and I will demonstrate what will happen when you're not fighting one of these men."

Jacob shakes his head. "I don't hit women," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Everyone gather around now!" Everyone stops what they're doing and they circle around Jacob and I. "Jacob, I order you to hit me in the stomach. There are going to a lot of girls that will be fighting against you tomorrow and if you don't fight back, you're dead."

Jacob stares at me and I get in position. He takes a deep breath before he focuses on me and me only. Two seconds later, he punches me in the stomach. The force of his punch was weak, but I know that is only because he didn't want to hit me. His hand stays out for a little too long and I grab it. I twist his arm behind his back and he groans in pain.

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