Chapter 32: You leech!

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College. The place I never dreamt of attending after I became homeless. I never thought of myself as a college student. I always thought the only future I have was in The Building, running around stealing food and clothes. 

Now, standing in front of the doors of Green Mountain University, I see that my future held more than being homeless. My future held power. Yet, right now, I think that power is going to fade a bit.

"You ready to fight with Dean Jacobs?" Hayden asks from my right side and I shrug. Liel groans as he looks at all the students walking into the building. "Y'all are definitely going to be the talk of the school for the next couple of weeks."

I slowly look at Hayden, then plan in my head changing a bit. A smile begins to break out across my face and Hayden notices. His eyes widen in fear and he starts backing away from me slowly.

"Haybell. You know that I will only ever ask you for something if it is really, really important..." I start off and Hayden continues to back up. I walk towards him slowly. "Can you help us? Please?"

"What would you want me to do?" Hayden asks curiously, freezing in his steps. I shrug at him and my smile turns into a smirk.

"We're going to fight."


"Why do I have to yell at you again?" Jacobs asks regretfully and I roll my eyes.

"Because there are some people that can help us with taking down The Merciless X's and also, there are some of their members here. So it's a win-win situation," I explain and confusion washes over Jacobs's face.

"How is having some of their members here a win?" I just shrug, tired of answering so many questions today. "Okay, fine. Do you want me to start now?"

I hold up my finger and I look at the clock on his walk. I wait for one minute before signaling Jacobs to start.

"Siayla Wassim and Liel King. You both have been skipping way too much school. How do you..." Jacobs continues to yell and shout at us. Liel and I act like we're arguing back.

The reason why I waited for thirty seconds before giving Jacobs his signal is because Mr. Wilkins called all sports teams to the office for some fake sports information. He is handing out different papers. On some papers for some of the sports players, there is vague information about why we need their help. On the other papers, there is just bullshit information that they will probably forget.

The people we targeted on the sports teams have had some kind of background with illegal stuff. And I made sure that most of them knew how to use some sort of weapon - I ran a background check on everyone.

"...If you kids can't come to this school like a normal student, then you might as well not come at all!"

"What?!" I shout, standing up from my chair. "You can't do that!"

"I can! And I sure as hell will!" Jacobs shout and Liel storms out of the room. "Get back here, King! I'm not finished!"

"Well, I fucking am!" Liel shouts out from the main office. I run after him, with Jacobs running behind me. We make it out into the hallway and sure enough, there is a crowd already forming. My plan is running smoothly.

"Liel King! If you don't stop right now, I will expel you from this school!" Kids are recording this! Perfect!

Liel whirls around and he stomps around me to Jacobs.

"On what grounds, Jacobs? You have no right to expel me. I have done nothing wrong." I scoff and roll my eyes. Liel shoots me a glare before he fixes his gaze on Jacobs again.

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