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the name given , hikari y/n

— ?!!??!!??!!??!!??!!? —

As a female high school student stepped inside the infamous toilet, another female high school student followed behind her. One was named hikari y/n, while one was nene yashiro.

y/n was a second year student and yashiro was a first year.

" y/n-senpai.. " yashiro softly called out to the older female. The said female tilted her head over her shoulder before smirking at the younger. " now now, I'm pretty sure you're the one who want to go here.. scared sweetie? " y/n said.

Yashiro's cheeks were decorated with shades of pinks, she still can't get used to her senpai's teasing. " y/n-senpai! Don't.. don't tease me! " which the female senpai replied with a smiling face, " nope. "

y/n then proceeded to knock on the supposed door once realising that yashiro was trembling, a bit.

" yohuu— hanako-san hanako-san, are you there? " she asked, stopping herself from saying her usual greetings.

" yashiro, don't hide behind my back, beside you're the one who get to wish. " the older girl stepped lightly on her kouhai's feet.

" ouch ouch that—" suddenly a creaking noise was heard and a boy's head crept out from a door,

" I'm here~ " before the floating boy could even introduce himself , the second year student squealed.

" A GHOST! YASHIRO! IT'S A GHOST! OMG I'VE NEVER SEEN ONE IT'S SO COOL! " she had a large grin in her face as she severally slapped the younger poor shoulder.

" well you've seen one now, I'm honoured to be your first. " the said ghost bowed a little before introducing himself.

" I'm hanako-kun of the toilet! the seventh mysteries of this school. " yashiro eyes went wide before screaming out her shocked question.

" b-but! hanako-kun of the toilet is a girl! "

" then who am I? kunkona-ha of the pool? "

" okay my dear younglings! we still need to be home before sunset or yashiro is gonna get scolded. " the older female reminded yashiro.

" geez, we were having fun you know.. " she felt something creeping out from her back.

To which she responded with, " and I don't want to waste my energy on you, focus on what yashiro have to wish. "

" m-my wish is— "

" cut it off you two lovebirds or I'm pushing you two more closer to each other. " y/n crossed her arms , hiding the scars she got from the previous fight.

" ehh are you jealous? well if you're lucky I might have another mermaid scale— " the (h/c) haired female then interrupted the apparition while rolling her eyes.

" don't. yashiro need to be the only special one, now that she became someone special, don't you dare do a threesome you darn short pervert " yashiro choked on the air at what her senpai had said. resulting her face covered in shades of dusty pink.

" hi-hikari senpai , let's go back home "

" c'mon yashiro! I'll stay at your house today and cook your favourite food so that you can rest up and calm down after all these event today! by the way, i see my beloved sweetie is now a fish. " y/n made a whole 360 change to her emotions and face before casually dragging yashiro away from the toilet with a smile on her face.

" hey! ..sure sure, whatever floats your boat senpai. " the two then disappeared from the apparition's sight.

" horrifyingly cute twisted senpai actually exist in this school... oh right! I never got her name! I'll just ask yashiro tomorrow. "

ー ♡

lol I just want to curse myself , I haven't even finish one story but I already publish a new one... but idea just keep coming! a-and sorry... but I just need to you know.. hope you enjoy your stay here!

edit ; since when did I drafted this????

edited; 22/11 | I don't like this story but I've planned the plot so I'll be editing the chapters and try to fill out the obvious plot holes. Fyi! I won't end it if the manga is not ending yet.. maybe? The possibility is high.

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