| same as usual , 13 . 1 |

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Turning to face the owner of the pair of hands clasped on your shoulders, you were met with nothing but an empty hallway. Quirking your eyebrows in confusion, you turned back around to continue your way to a supposed location. But that was when you let out a one second length high pitched scream. With your hands dramatically placed on your heart, " tsukasa you little shit! I almost had a heart attack! " you yelled at the boy floating in the air in front of you. A cheerful laughter erupted from the black haired male, " y/n-chan is back!! I miss you so muchhh!! ".

You met the black haired ghost between the days after you met hanako and before you were admitted in a hospital. And somehow you managed to befriend the ghost whom you knew nothing about. One way or another, he's kind of like a way out from the exhaustion she's been feeling. Though that remains as a mystery on how he becomes a way out from those exhaustions drowning her down.

" yes yes, I miss you too tsukasa " a small smile crept upon her face as she tiptoed a little to ruffle the male's soft locks. And how she manages to touch apparitions too, remains as a mystery. Maybe it's better to not know.

" where are you going? " the male asked, his head tilting slightly. " to the cafeteria but y'know what? maybe I should skip lunch today " the (h/c) haired female carelessly said when suddenly she heard footsteps rushing from behind. Turning her head to face the sound, turned out kou was running toward her. " let's hang out later tsukasa, I'll try to visit the broadcasting room if I have the chance " with that, the female heard him reluctantly agreed to her and urging her to keep her unspoken promise. " y-y/n senpai.. I.. you.. have you eaten lunch? " panting, the exhausted boy asked. " nope but what're you even doing here? " she replied with a question.

" I thought you don't have any lunch today so I made you on— " the younger male was cut off with a sudden and tight hug from the older female. " you're the best kou! " the female shouted.

" a-ah.. it's actually n-nothing, you need to be healthy a-after all nee-chan " the female student nodded to it and let go from her sudden hug, " thank you kou, this is why I love you more than teru ".

" oh, you're what now? "

As soon as the female student heard that, she let out a forced chuckle, " oh teru, nice to meet you.. ahaha.. oh c'mon! don't give me that face! ".

Playfully, the girl punched the older blondie at his guts. He feigned ignorance to the pain of the playful punch.

" you're still the same as usual huh, I thought you'll change at least a bit "

The (h/c) haired scoffed, her arms folded against each other. " hey! it didn't affect me that much beside I met my childhood friend " she told the two.

" that sounds suspicious but I'll leave it as it is and kou, you should go now, your lunchtime is about to end " teru told his younger brother and the said brother complied. Soon after kou left, the older blonde shifted his gazes on the shorter girl and forced her to eat her lunch. She lifted up her hands in surrender with the lunch made by kou in her hand, " alright alright, I'll go eat now ".

And there she goes to who knows where. A place to finish her lunch maybe.

Little did she knows, a new problems filled adventure will come tumbling down upon her life.

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