| begin once again , 12 |

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" y/n senpai!! " yashiro came through the door and hurriedly plopped herself beside me. The girl pulled me for an embrace, once I heard the faint sobbing noise, I caressed her hair and assured her that I'm fine. I tilted my head to the other visitor and saw a purple haired. I smiled and waved my hand at her, she smiled back to me and bowed her head. " yo aoi " .

Yashiro then pulled out from the embrace and I flicked her forehead playfully. " I'm fine okay? look, I'm sound and safe already so no need to worry hm, yashiro? " the said girl nodded to my words before shoving a basket into my sight. " and what would this be? " I took a look inside the basket and saw my favourite snacks. I looked up to yashiro and thanked her.

" here , hikari senpai " I turned to aoi's direction and saw her holding a wrapped up something. I grinned at her, " thanks aoi " . Soon we held a conversation and catching up with each other's well. In no time, the sun was about to set and the two girl decided to leave for the time being, " see you yashiro, aoi! " . They replied back to my goodbye with a smile.

With the two girls leaving, I directed my attention to akane and asked him, " can I go to school tomorrow? " . He pondered before shrugging as an answer, " up to you " . I nodded and said, " I want to meet up with everyone after all.. it's been a long time " . Taking the chair from his study seat, he placed it beside the bed I'm on. " you know.. I wanted to ask you regarding the matter but if you're not ready then it's okay " I then leaned down on the bed and chuckled. " it's nothing interesting really.. but if you want to know, I could tell you " .

" world! see this once in a lifetime occurrence! hikari y/n is excited to go to school and woke up early in the morning! " you heard a sigh coming from behind you and turned your black painted sneakers around. " aoi! go scold akane! " aoi giggled in reply before jokingly scold the red headed.

You then turned back to face the road and suddenly halted on your steps when you saw an all so familiar shop. It's a printing shop. Shaking your head in denial, you continued your way to the school. That went by unnoticed by the two childhood friends behind you. Thankfully.

You weren't going to tell anyone about your past anytime soon.

Some minutes passed by and the three of you finally arrived at the destination. Bidding goodbye to aoi and akane, you made your way toward your classroom to be greeted with a loud shouting of your name. " l/n-chan! " your seatmate voice caught the attention of all the students in the said classroom and they quickly turned to the door. You chuckled awkwardly, not used to this much of attention. " ah! you're finally back! what happened actually for you to not attend school for who knows how long? " the class president crossed his arms together, head slightly tilted. Demanding for an answer.

" eiii!!! you're mean yuuki-kun! you shouldn't pry into someone's privacy and force them to tell you about things " the class president's girlfriend, utsuna, called out to his behaviour. The whole class grunted in disgust to his unusual pout, making utsuna laughs, feeling entertained. " utsu! you should side with me! " the male walked back to beside to his girlfriend as the said girlfriend shook her head, " nah you're the one at fault here ".

You slowly walked to your seat and put down your bag, your seatmate waved at you. " I don't know what happened throughout the weeks but here, I'm pretty sure you say this is your favourite flavour right? " the student took out a pack of (f/f) oreo and gave it to you. You smiled in response and thanked your seatmate. " it's okay, yuuki was being an ass earlier anyway " the student winked at you before continuing whatever the student was doing before.

The homeroom teacher came in.


Lunch finally arrived and you slowly made your way toward the cafeteria to buy a lunch for yourself. Taking your time.

That was when two unknown arms clasped themselves around your shoulders from behind.


alright alright so what did I promised you guys in the last chapter? 3000+ words special right? well I think so. Anyway, since I did missed the due date.. so what do you actually want? special chapters or chapters related to the book? and I'm having a massive writer block rn but I'll try to get it done. aND YEAH WERE FINALLY GETTING BACK ON THE ROAD AND WILL BE CATCHING UP TO THE ORIGINAL PLOT OF JSHK IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!! who do you think is the owner of the mysterious arms?? hm?? hmm?? and what the hell is this short ass chapter

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