[ childhood , 10 ]

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" why're we even graduating if we're still going to be schooling. " y/n mumbled in annoyance, mitsuba rolled his eyes.

" I was about to retort back when I remembered akito's reaction, he seems really happy to finally graduate out of this school. " the (h/c) haired laughed, a bit louder than it's supposed to be.

" you're still young, wait till your graduation year came crashing on you. "

" excuse me, it's two years soon and we're not even that much apart, you're the one who skipped grades. " mitsuba huffed at how old y/n's way of talking was. it was as if she's lived longer than any of them.

y/n hummed in response before asking, " where's akito and akumi anyway? "

" awards ceremony, they're capable of receiving all those but still have me considered as the maturest one huh. "

the listening girl scoffed, " I can't even do well in anything, me? useless, families? disappointed, this? suck. "

y/n was waiting for the boy to agree with her when he suddenly stood in front of her sitting figure.

hands on waist, mitsuba leaned in with a frown on his face before sighing and flicked the older's forehead earning a grunt from her.

" hey! what's that for?! jeez, you got me turned up for nothing— shit, I'm not supposed to say that. " stunned by what the girl said, he turned away, hiding his flushing cheeks.

shades of glowing pink crept on his face.

" you and your bluntness! "

" it's not entirely my fault— oh my gosh.. are you blushing? face me! I want to take a picture! "

pssh, she said that like she's not blushing herself. it was pretty obvious as her once plain skin was now covered in strawberry-coloured shades

y/n took her decorated camera out from its customised bag, sitting it nicely in front of her face.

" sousuke! " she exclaimed, making him face her due to being called with his first name.

a startled expression on his face, y/n hurriedly snapped a picture out of it.

" ahahahaha! sousuke look! your face is funny. " ignoring the fact she's calling mitsuba by his first name, the girl continued laughing.

" delete that picture and I'll let you take another picture of me. " without hesitation, the (h/c)ette nodded.

" deleted! " like hell she deleted it.

" by the tree, mitsuba! by the tree! "

" my ears are gonna go deaf if this continues on. " y/n cheerfully laughed at his suffering. teasing mitsuba would always be entertaining no matter what.

still, the boy listened and went to sit by the tree. his back leaning on it, eyes closed.

long branches and autumn-ly leaves covered the sunlight from nearing him. like a cue, winds suddenly gushed oh-so-gracefully. his fluffy locks swayed to the rhythm made by the winds. orange and red coloured leaves danced in the air, accompanying the alone silhouette who's leaning on the tree.

a smile crept on his face. genuinely, he was happy today. then when he turned to face y/n, his heart skipped a beat. with a camera sitting nicely just in front of her face, she tilted a bit and grinned at the boy before continuing to take pictures of the pink haired.

" 1, 2, 3! " y/n then stared at the picture she took, the girl never realised how good-looking her best friend is.

her (e/c) orbs then went to the leaning posture of the boy, she walked to him and plopped herself down on the grass.

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