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It all happened quickly. too instant. too sudden. you had no time to process what's happening. one minute you were munching on your chips while scrolling down the social media and the next minute you were being held back by a pair of firm hands from sprinting toward the beautifully horrifying huge flame swaying around cars.

" let go of me! let go! "

why? when? how? why , when , how? what's happening? why did this happened? when did this occurred? how did... how come?! how?!

you weren't supposed to be here. you weren't supposed to be yelling. you weren't supposed to be crying. you weren't supposed to.

they weren't supposed to be there and you weren't supposed to be here.

as you dropped yourself on your knees , your (e/c) orbs glistened , the tangerine coloured amber feets apart from you flickered enormously. visible on your orbs were a huge amber swaying around your family's car. around the car where your family were sleeping inside it. then you whipped your head to face the car beside it. more tears welling up. slowly , you moved your gaze toward your dominant hand. it's gripping tight onto something. taking your other hand , you placed it over it. you don't want to loosen your grip , you won't.

you're a coward , you resist yourself from accepting the truth... the reality , the reality that's occurring just feets apart from you. you couldn't bare to accept it wholeheartedly. you just.. couldn't.

( btw starting from here , we're continuing our present , yk when we got kidnapped )

" a-akumi? y-you what are you.. huh? " truth to be told , you couldn't really manage to say anything. akumi standing in front of you is enough to leave you speechless. sure , it'd been a long longggg time since you saw her. you should be happy.

I mean , it's a reunion! but what kind of reunion is this? getting kidnapped by your childhood friend doesn't sound like an ideal reunion.

" it sure has been a long time.. right y/n-chan? "

why do you sound so.. dangerous? , you wanted to ask that but soon found it unnecessary once she speaks up.

" you must be wondering of so many things right? there must be so many unanswered questions of yours right? ahahaha... now... listen carefully hikari y/n or you'll regret it "

ugh , chills. her voice's creeping the fuck outta you. what the flying fries happened to akumi while you're apart? akito's doing a bad job as the elder one.

" you two , drag her into the room I prepared then cuffs her on the maroon chair... we need a nice environment if we want to have a conversation " akumi's face flashed a smirk , looking down on you.

hAH fUCkInG hEeLS!

Confused . Annoyed . Happy .
mix and mix and mix .
boom .

Oh? you finally got back to your senses. you're being kidnapped. actually being kidnapped. even though the kidnapper was your childhood friend but it didn't matter as kidnapping is kidnapping. doesn't matter who's the kidnapper as kidnapping is a crime. it's dangerous.

that's why when some dangerous builded men came up to you to drag you into an unknown room , what should you do?

yeah you should move. no! not move as like umm.. follow what they want you to do , move as in.. refusing to follow their wants. do whatever you need to do.

so when those big unknown guys came up to you , lifting up your right leg , you quickly kicked them at where the sun won't shine. after that you , as quick as you can , ran away.

now. faster. quicker.

you halted your steps when you saw the door's locked , whipping your head toward the staircases , your feet instantly made its way upstairs. you found a vacant room and went inside it before locking the door. there was a window and luckily it's not locked or anything so you quickly opened it. you noticed that it's not that much of a height apart from the ground , you took a breather and jumped down from the window.

(bish I'm just going to rush the whole thing and pretend like the escape is a success)

y/n somehow successfully escaped from the terrifying moment. right now she's grunting at the fact that her ankle twisted. it happened when she jumped down from the window and didn't land.. safely.

it was nighttime if you're asking and since there's no one in the road , y/n sat down , leaned her back on a wall and straightened her legs. her hands roamed around her clothes , searching for anything useful. like her phone... that's nowhere to be found.

" what a luck I have.. a whole disastrous luck.. yeayyy.. " she was exhausted would be an understatement. her lids were getting heavier as she tried her best to restrain herself from dozing off.

and she failed.

" mmghm.. " a grunt came out from her lips as she put her arm over her eyes , the light directed to her eyes made her eyes stings. With eyes still closed , she sat up from her previous position and slowly opened her (e/c) coloured eyes. The surrounding around her was foreign to her. Wait a second , where is she?

" oh? you're awake hikari? " a voice spoke. An all so familiar voice , it was akane's. " ...akanee!! " she sobbed , tears suddenly welling up. The boy then came up to her as he slowly engulfed them both in a hug. " you're save now.. you're save " then suddenly the door to the room opened up harshly , revealing familiar pairs of students. 


yo peeps , i failed as an author of a book. just bare with this and if I don't post 2 new chapter for 1 week... I'll force myself to write a special with 3000+ words and an actual chapter for this story. How does that sound like? i'll be off then , have a good day and I apologize once again.

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