Chapter 1

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Hey guys, I love bitty stories and I've seen plenty of them. Sadly though I've noticed that most of them are not complete. So I thought I might try my hand. Hope you enjoy and constructive criticism only please!!

Also, this story is starting five months after the barrier collapsed and monsters officially have rights. Which means my characters have been Bitties for five months now as well.

It had been a long day, and Brooke was tired as she dragged the bag full of dead birds into the house via the sliding backdoor. Brooke felt bad for the birds unfortunate enough to be caught by her cat Tigger, but there was nothing she could do about it. After all, she had a family to feed. She had to make sure they survived.

"I'm back!!" Brooke screamed, making sure she would be heard throughout the whole house.

The first response she heard back was a joyous bark followed by the scampering of claws on tile floor as her dog Reba made her way into the living room to greet her and Tigger. Not long after she heard the pitter-patter of multiple other beings all converging on the living room to greet them.

The sound was music to her ears. Yet she only felt truly relieved enough to release the breath she was holding when she saw every animal and bitty was accounted for. They were all still safe.

Three Bitties, three cats, one bearded dragon, and one dog all gathered around her. Pateintly waiting to see if she had food.

Brooke was thankful she didn't have to disappoint them as she pulled out five birds and divided them out.

One bird for the three Bitties in front of her. Clint, the second oldest after Brooke herself. Ryan being the younger out of the two boys. Then the youngest being the only other girl, Faith. "Here," Brooke said as she pushed the first bird towards them. "Clint, please help little Faith."

His response being a quick nod, which Brooke missed as she was all ready pulling the second bird out for her dog Reba. Once Brooke pushed the bird towards Reba she gave Brooke a quick lick, almost knocking her over, before snatching up the bird and running off with her meal.

Next were the three cats: Tigger, B.T., and Hercules. Brooke gave the third and biggest bird to Tigger. After all he was the one helping her hunt the birds down in the first place. He deserved a little reward for all his hard work. But as always B.T. tries to steal Tigger's bird, causing Tigger to let off a low rumbling whine in the back of his throat in warning. Brooke quickly solved the situation by getting B.T.'s attention and giving him the fourth bird while Tigger snuck away with his own. Then Brooke gave the last bird to Hercules, who looked at the bird and her with a scowl on his face.

Brooke sighed, "Don't give me that look mister. I know bird is not your favorite, but that's what you get tonight unless you plan to go hunting yourself." Crossing her arms over her chest Brooke waited in challenge, knowing how lazy the big black and white cat could sometimes be. Hercules grumbled, but eventually took the bird.

Brooke turned to the only other animal left, Gus the bearded dragon. Giving him a small smile she said, "Now I know you won't eat bird. So I got you something else." She turned back to the bag, pulling out a stalk of kale she grabbed from the garden. "Here you are buddy."

Brooke unconsciously started patting Gus as he munched away on his kale. She took a minute to make sure everyone was happily eating, before going over to Clint, Ryan, and Faith to grab a bite to eat herself. There wasn't much left, but that was okay. She didn't eat much anyway. As long as everyone else had a full belly. That was all that mattered.

A small but loud voice caught her attention just as she finished eating. "Book!!"

She couldn't help the smile that crept on her face at five year old Faith's pronunciation. "It's Brooke, Faith." She corrected her little sister. "Brooke."

Faith just ignored her comment as she snuggled into her sisters side. "Pwease tell us another story about mommy or daddy." Faith asked, looking up at Brooke with pleading eyes. Brooke's heart ached, remembering that for some reason she was the only one that remembered their parents. Remembered anything from before they all shrunk and turned into Bitties. And that brought up the question, where were their parents now?

Brooke shook these thoughts from her head. This was not the time to be thinking these things. Not with three sets of eyes on her.

"Hmmm." She pondered. "Did you know mommy was afraid of spiders?" Clint, Ryan, and Faith all shook their heads no, which saddened Brooke more. They should know that, they used to know that. "Well she was. And one time when I was little, daddy and I put a fake spider on her pillow to scare her. It was the funniest thing ever, you should have heard her."

Brooke tried, and failed to imitate their mother's scream that night. But it achieved what she wanted, all three of her siblings were laughing.

Soon though Faith was trying to hide her yawns and that she was rubbing her eyes. That didn't fool Brooke for one second though. "Alright, bedtime everyone."

Faith protested the whole way over to the palet Brooke had made for them and the animals to sleep on together. She started to calm down though once Reba laid down and she could snuggle into her warm fur. Tigger, B.T., and Gus followed soon after the three older Bitties settled in for the night while Hercules went to sleep near the back door. As if he was keeping watch outside.

Brooke had almost drifted off to sleep when she faintly heard, "Book?"

She opened her eyes, groaning slightly to see Faith and Ryan were still awake. "Yes Sweety?"

"Sing pwease."

Brooke sat up, leaning on one hand to look at them both. "Alright, one song." Then she softly started to sing.

(As usual, I do not own the song)

As her brother and sister drifted off to sleep her mind wandered again to her parents. They hadn't returned home in the five months since turning into Bitties. She had tried calling them, but there was no response. She only knew what was going on since she had turned on the news. Only to learn monsters were real and part of the human population had shrunk into tiny versions of themselves with no recollection of who they or anyone else was as well other people not remembering them.

Yet for reasons unknown, she remembered everything. But boy was she thankful she did when she realized her siblings had also shrunk and not remembering anything where about to leave and wander off.

She might have lost them that day as well had she not stopped them. They might have been snatched up by a coyote or some other predator since they lived in the country.

She already wasn't sure what had happened to her parents, she couldn't let anything happen to her brothers and sister. She was responsible for them, and had to take care of them. Make sure they were safe.

She just hoped her parents were still out there somewhere. Maybe they also turned into Bitties and got put in a bitty center. Maybe they remember like she does and are trying to find a way to get back to them.

Either way she plans to keep holding onto hope and waiting for them to walk through the front door. As she drifts into sleep once more, her last thoughts are 'Maybe tomorrow is the day they will walk through that door and we will be together again.'

If only she knew what the next day would actually bring.

Hope you liked the first chapter. Skeletons will be in the next chapter. I just haven't decided how many yet.

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