Chapter 2

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Art is not mine and belongs to its rightful owner. Enjoy!

Brooke's eyes fluttered open as she woke up to the sound of persistent meowing. She sat up, stretched, and made her way to the sliding back door as she did every morning. It had become a habit, as Hercules had to pee around five A.M. every morning without fail.

Hercules had become her alarm clock. Which she has come to rely on since they had been without electricity in the house for four months now since the power had been cut off. The massive cat was the only thing making sure she got up with plenty of time to get everything done each day.

As usual Brooke struggled opening the door enough for Hercules to squeeze through, but managed none the less. Yet something was different this morning. Normally Hercules would run out as soon as the door opened. This morning he paused on the threshold, ears and tail twitching. Something wasn't right, which Hercules only confirmed by emitting a low growl from deep within his throat.

Brooke felt a chill run throughout her tiny body as she waited. Listening for anything that might clue her in to what was causing her cat to act so strange.

The soft chirping of crickets was disturbed by what sounded like the ding of car doors opening followed by several sets of feet hitting the ground.

Brooke started panicking as she dashed over to the palet where the rest of her family was still sleeping, obviously to the world around them. Unfortunately not for much longer as Brooke almost violently shook Clint and Ryan awake. She didn't know why there were people outside their home, but she knew she could not let these people know her family was here. If they were discovered, they would most likely be sent to a bitty center where they would eventually be separated from one another. She could not let that happen.

"Wake up guys!!" She whispered as loud as she dared.

Ryan turned on his side and mumbled, "Ten more minutes. " Clint didn't open his eyes, but slightly lifted his brows showing he was listening.

Brooke's brows furrowed in frustration. "No, get up now! There are people here at the house. We have to hide."

As if to confirm what she was saying a loud voice slightly shook the house windows. "MUTT!! GET OUT OF THE CAR AND START UNLOADING OUR STUFF FROM THE TRUNK!!"

That got both of her brothers to shoot awake, wide eyes peering at her. It had also woken the animals up, setting them on high alert. The only one still asleep was Faith, which Brooke was thankful for.

"What do we do?!" Clint whispered in question.

"They're most likely going to be coming in and out of the house. Our best bet is to hide outside in the backyard since they seem to be out front. We'll hide under the pool deck. It's less than a foot off the ground and I don't think anyone would try to get under there. Let's move!"

"I'll wake Faith up," Ryan whispered back.

"No!" Brooke nearly shouted. "Just carry her. She doesn't seem to get the meaning of quiet. You wake her up, and we might as well tell them we are hear."

"Alright, but what about Reba? She can't fit under the deck." Clint questioned as he picked Faith, cradling her in his arms.

"I'll figure something out. Right now let's get you three, Gus, and the cats hidden under the deck."

With that Brooke ushered Reba to hide behind a chair tucked away in the corner of the living room and to stay still and quiet until she came back to get her. Then she help Ryan hop on Tiger's back, and Clint still holding a sleeping Faith onto B.T.'s back. She told the boys to hold on tight as she jumped on Gus' back. Urging Gus forward like one would with a horse, they quickly shot through the still open door with three cats and their passengers following close behind.

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