17. Planning Phases

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"On my way in, I did notice something interesting Hei." Emmett looked over to her as she was scribbling notes in her book. "One of the guards out there has a gift that could allow them to utilize someone's power if they were to devour them."

"Scary..." She glanced over for a moment before going back to her writing.

"An undiscovered gift thankfully."

"Any thoughts on escape?"

"None yet unfortunately. Getting out without an attack is borderline impossible – we wouldn't get out as a pair either. Due to my medical oath, I am sworn to help them all."

"Can't feign ignorance?"

"and has it resting on my conscience? No chance."

"Fragile personality... I get that."

"Just dedicated to my profession. Though it is what got me into this mess. Who knew that the man I saved the other night swore allegiance to a criminal gang?"

"A gang?"

"Indeed. There's been a recent spike in injury across gang members. I think a turf war may be due to start but I don't really know much more."

"Must be something important up for grabs out there. I'll get us out. It's a promise." Hei smiled for the first time in a while.

The same day, a bed arrived for Emmett to sleep in. Two guards entered the room – the one who could disable Hei's senses kept a close watch whilst the other built the bed. The guard who Hei was close to, was nowhere to be seen. The guards spoke no word to either of the captives and left abruptly with eyes on Hei throughout, they knew Emmett was too timid to consider any moves.

"Hei, I learnt something just now." He whispered, sitting on his new bed and admiring the comfort of the mattress. "One of the guards has a severe allergy to a component found in green tea. It's a risk but we could use it to our advantage."

"We don't have any tea..." Hei looked at him with a concerned mocking face.

"No. But you have the potential to create the compound."

"The what?"

"The chemical compounds." He took hold of Hei's hands and looked at her with determination. "I didn't want to tell you too much because knowing the true extent of your own power can be dangerous and lead to high expectations... But we must take the risk with this part. You seem ready. You can create venom using your claws and teeth by thinking about them – like a spider would. In doing so, you may be able to create the compound to trigger the reaction... and an antivenom."

"I'm that capable?" She sat back with surprise and realisation.

"A fraction of your power. Perhaps it explains your popularity."

"Any luck yet?" Hangman questioned Bond who sat across the table from him in the low lit office.

"Nothing from me yet sir." Bond shook his head.

"Where's Gregor?"

"He was last seen in the east side of town, claimed he knew a guy who may be able to help. Ex worker of Duchess." Almost on queue Gregor burst through the door, a man held under his arm.

"Sorry for the delay all. My old friend didn't feel like coming quietly." Gregor threw the man into the room and stood arms folded.

"Who is this?" Bond asked. "A friend?"

"Poor man didn't seem to recognise me at first, had to drag him. Was like he was under some sort of spell by that Duchess woman." Gregor kneeled as Ace entered with a cup of water, without warning he threw the cup over the man.

"W-What was that for?!" The man spluttered, sitting up and shaking his head before coming to his senses. "Where the bloody hell am I?"

"Alright Barry? Been a while now hasn't it?" Gregor smiled and put a hard hand down on his shoulder. "Funny seeing you near Anton's estate eh? You didn't even recognise me to start!"

"Gregor? What's going on?" The man stood, turning around unable to understand his surroundings. "This isn't the beasts lair... Where on earth are, we?"

"At the boss' place. Now, the big boss man is here, and he has some questions for you." Gregor's words caused Barry to swallow nervously.

"Hello there..." Hangman spoke carefully, leaning over the desk as Barry approached. "Word is you have a pretty good relationship with Anton and Duchess. Is this so?"

"It is sir aye, worked for them for 10 years now. But recently Duchess has been acting all strange." Barry responded, sitting opposite in a nearby chair.

"Strange? How so?"

"She's been experimenting with some strange mind-numbing liquids... Her recent test subject's been a lovely young lady." As he spoke Ace looked up, now interested.

"Tell us more about the girl." Hangman leaned closer. "And you might remain alive."

"She was doing well... Until I left her cell door open." He looked down. "She struck Duchess with a devastating blow and is now under tighter lock and key."

"But where is she?"

"A detached house down on Ainsdale road. I'll get the address for you." The man nodded and started writing an address on a piece of paper. "Duchess sent me to Anton for leaving the door open. I don't know what the fate of the young lady is, but I don't want to see her harmed by Duchess... She's getting more erratic as the days go by. Some say she's actually mad."

"That's all we need to know." Hangman tilted his head slightly. "Ace." Without another second's breath, Ace shot a bullet through the man's skull causing him to fall against the desk, paper in hand.

"Y-You shot him?" Gregor asked, stepping back in fear.

"Your friend was on the wrong side of this. Regardless of how much help he has been... He would have been nothing more than a lead weight if we were to release him. There's no telling if any more of Duchess' poison was in his system. Regardless, its time."

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