19. Confront

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A black estate car pulled up in the middle of a suspension bridge across the river in the dead of night. Moments later, another pulled up across the way – two men stepped out of their vehicles and walked towards each other with an air of professionalism. They paused a couple of steps away from each other.

"Times up." Anton smiled, observing Hangman from afar.

"So it is." Hangman glanced over. "Is it time to finally end this?"

"It appears so. It's the end of your adventures. No more cheating death." Anton tugged a white cotton glove from his hand and dropped it to the floor, crushing it with his foot.

"You say it like I'm the only one. How many times have you got your rich boy neck out of trouble?" Hangman scratched his neck, tired of patience.

"No matter. I presume one of us will die tonight."

"Meaning to say that the deals off?" Hangman teasingly waved his empty hands like an illusionist. "Nothing for you and it seems nothing for me either."

"A pity you didn't make the right decision." Anton snapped his fingers causing a series of guards to approach the bridge.

"Let the games begin then..." Hangman looked crazed as a series of targeted explosions broke the silence of the night behind him.

"You really think they hid Lady in that place on Ainsdale?" Bond asked, walking down a darkened alley, kicking one of Anton's men to the floor with the force of a car.

"I trust Barry. Besides it makes perfect sense – it's the total opposite of Anton's lavish manor." Gregor checked the guards now lifeless body and looted it of a gun and some bullets. "Gotta say, these men aren't as well equipped as the big boys."

"These are just mindless goons who joined Anton with the promise of riches." Bond looked down as they re-emerged into the streets. "They're weak and often gift less. Unlike you – my gift less but strong brother."

"I worked hard for my strength." Gregor smiled warmly, patting Bond on the back as he walked ahead. "Hey, do you think we'll see Bleach turn up?"

"It really depends, if he finds the right timeline." A darker yet familiar voice spoke up from the darkness ahead of them. The voice's master stepped forward into the street light.

"You again?" Bond stepped back, surprised as Ace emerged from the dark, twirling a knife in his fingers before placing it in a brown leather leg holster.

"Yes, 'me' again..." Ace exhaled, glancing straight at the men with a dark glance. "The war's beginning. You really think I'm going to miss out?" He cracked a charismatic yet grim smile, reminiscent to that of a Cheshire cat.

"That's a fair point." Gregor looked down, defeated. "The boss needs you."

"The boss needs everyone." Ace looked up as explosions broke the silence of the night sky. "Seems the boss has started early. Get to work."

Smoke plumed across the bridge as the men backing Anton and Hangman broke out into battle across the city. Hangman and Anton's fistfight had left the bridge and was now deep into the city, a series of rioting broke out across the city spontaneously as the sides started to meet.

"I'm impressed. You rallied quite the army..." Hangman swung another fist.

"You worked pretty fast yourself. Some would call me impressed." Anton swiped with a gold penknife and tugged on the collar of Hangman's boiler suit. "But its all a bit much, wouldn't you agree? For the sake of a girl."

"You really are stupid." Hangman shook his head, slightly dislocating it as he shook Andon beneath his foot. He applied a slight pressure and kneeled close to him. "You still think this is about the girl? This is about far more than a girl. I want your ring, your power over the city. I want this masterpiece for myself." He let out a twisted laugh under his breath. "I truly wouldn't give a damn if she died right now."

"If that's how you feel...I'm sure that can be arranged." Anton croaked, using his arms to knock Hangman away and regain his stance. "I don't need her any more. You used her to get to this point."

"In this situation that is the case. But I'm aware you've had your fair share of using her too." Hangman wiped blood from his brow. "Regardless, she was a convenient but unknowing defector to put us in this situation. Now give up that ring." Hangman growled as Anton turned tail and ran, pulling a mobile phone from his pocket and dialling.

"Let's test that resolve..."

The explosion rocked the walls of the Ainsdale estate causing Hei and Emmett to wake from their slumber.

"W-What's happening?" Emmett cried out, instinctively rushing to Hei's side and holding her for support.

"Something big..." Hei glanced down in concern, her notebook had fallen open on a page which struck her with determination. The word 'action' marked down in big thick pencil lines across the page. "We need to go. Now."

"What? Now? It's too dangerous! We have no idea what could be out there!"

"That's the point Emmett!" She stood and offered a hand to him. "If we don't move now. We may never get another chance. But you must run. If anything happens, run and don't ever stop until you're safe."

"I'm with you." He smiled with confidence, taking her hand and standing alongside her. "But promise me you'll be careful." Together they made their way towards the cell door but to their surprise the door swung open with force. Duchess was stood, arms folded with a guard either side of her.

"Shit." Emmett let the word slip in surprise as Duchess surveyed the room with a twisted smile, almost hysterical. Her hair was a mess like her makeup which dragged down her face. Her clothes were no longer as fancy as the tight-fitting red dress. She wore a leather trousers and a black tank top defining her assets with a white eye painted on the front. An open short sleeved shirt completed her new look. She dragged a metal pipe behind her as she waltzed into the room, the pipe already stained in blood.

"You..." Duchess giggled slightly. "You think 'now' is the time to try and make your little getaway? Now everything has begun? You wouldn't last a second out there." She gestured as a guard approached Hei who braced for impact. "Regardless. We've just received the call. Let's have some fun."

"My lady. Please leave Hei alone. She's done nothing wrong." Emmett swallowed nervously as he stepped forward.

"Ah... If only you knew, Doctor Greenwood." She smiled, approaching and tapping his nose with a freshly painted finger. "I've been dying to get my hands on her ever since we moved her to this facility... I'm not going to stand down because of you." As she spoke, the guard stepped forward to grab Hei. She dug her nails, now forming as small claws, into his arm and focused with a brief expression of concentration before the guard recoiled. He held his arm as a sudden itch started to consume his arm.

"It worked..." Hei gasped with surprise and new-found hope.

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