13. Daily Life

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A man woke up in his bed on a Monday morning, checked his paper before letting out a slight groan at the state of the world on that day, before getting up. He ate his breakfast, a filling 2 Weetabix and a healthy banana, He had his morning shave and showed before smiling at the figure in the mirror before dressing in his freshly ironed shirt and trousers, fastening his tie and leaving for work.

He arrived to work and passed his beautiful female colleague, Alice. He wondered if he would have the courage to speak to Alice on that day. After checking his stack of emails from the morning and evening before, he did his rounds in the hospital. The medical students were getting worse, stupider with every intake that came through the doors, they wouldn't know medical science if it was to hit them in the face. After the shift, the man had a night off due to his hard work in the past week. To celebrate his achievements, the man went to his local chip shop and got a takeout to celebrate- he also went to the off-licence to get some beer, the occasional treat. He walked home with his reward.

As the man was walking home however, he heard a sharp and sudden cry for help. A man with intense stab wounds across his body crawled out from the nearby alleyway and stumbled to the street floor. The man rushed over, checking the body for any immediate risks before delivering life saving first aid to the man and ensuring an ambulance for his safety. Once the ambulance arrived, he escorted the man to the hospital, donned his medical gear and worked to save the wounded. The man wiped a trail of sweat from his face before turning to leave, as leaving the wounded stopped him and asked a single question.

"Who are you sir?" The man asked the doctor with an outstretched arm. The man turned to him and simply replied.

"My name, Emmett Greenwood." Before he continued to walk away.

The next day, it was business as usual for the man and the same for the following weeks. However, everything changed one day when a peculiar letter made its way to his door. An address with a polite request to be there as soon as possible. He swallowed and took for the door. 

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