The aftermath

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Narrator: The following events take place days after the events of "Never trust a jack".

Roman: Mom, dad look at this!

Roman's Mother: Oh my god, I'm so sorry this happened honey.

Roman's dad: Buddy, are you going to be okay?

Roman: I think I'm going to be sick. (Starts throwing up)

(The article they were looking at shows and says that in the current murders there are three new victims including a thirteen-year-old boy named Adam Colton)

Narrator: The next day, Roman shows up to school depressingly because of the recent death of Adam.

Roman: Hey, should we just skip school?

Cody: Hell yeah!

Narrator: Both Cody and Roman knew Adam really well, they were all best friends. Roman and Cody need some time together, to not be sad and lonely.

Cody: So, have you heard about-

Roman: Yeah, can we not talk about it? Please?

Cody: Sure.

Roman: The last time I saw him was on this trail, it should have been me. Why didn't I go with him?!

Cody: Hey, don't blame yourself. There was nothing you could have done, okay?

Roman: This was a bad idea; I'm going to go.

Cody: Wait, stop! Don't leave...

Narrator: Roman went home, his parents were at work. He yells at his google home he says "How do I make a noose. "He finds some rope and starts making it. He hears the door opening, it's his mom. Roman panics and hides in his closet.

Roman's mom: Hey, I know room number eleven. I'll see you really soon, don't worry this is our little secret okay? No, my husband doesn't know, trust me I won't tell him a thing or my idiot son.

Roman (thinking to himself): Wow, even my own mom doesn't care about me or my dad. I just want to kill her, AHH! Does anyone care about me at all!

Narrator: Roman's mom packs all of her things and leaves, Roman gets out from hiding and he starts crying, he couldn't believe that his mom would lie about that, he wonders how long it has been going on for, all of these lies. He starts tying the rope into a noose, looking to end it all.

(His phone lights up with a snapchat notification from Kat)

Kat: Hey, are you okay?

Roman: Hi, what do you care?

Kat: I'm worried about you; you've been off lately.

Roman: Oh, now you want to care. That's funny, because when I'm happy and fine you want to break me.

Kat: That was months ago, why are you still mad about that?

Roman: Yeah, of course I am. You broke my heart!

Kat: I remember why I did it now, you absolute fu&#ing loser! Kill yourself!

Roman: That's the plan... Good bye. Forever.

(Roman throws his phone across the room, and starts crying. He starts writing a suicide note saying what he heard his mom say, what Kat did to him and Adam)

Roman: Goodbye cruel world.

Narrator: Hours later Roman's dad comes home and sees a note on the table, it's titled sorry. Roman's dad runs over to his sons' room and breaks down the door to see him hanging there, cold and lifeless. He gets Roman down and calls nine double one. They try doing CPR to him but he didn't make it, unfortunately.


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