chapter five- meetings and... furries???

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After Emily spoke those few words, silence hung in the air. Light came though the tiny gaps between the boards over the window, but other than that, it was dark. Dust danced in the light, making them able to "Light anyone?" Emily asked. "Flashlight? Phone?" They heard a groan from her right after she said that. "I'm an idiot."

Suddenly, light appeared. In her hand was a phone. "Forgot I had this. Didn't one of you guys have a phone too?"

"Yeah, it was me.'' Josh said, pulling out his phone.

"Okay, so my mind didn't just think that up. Alright! So, electricity is gone. Flashlight and candles? I doubt it would be a smart idea to start a fire in here." She joked.

"Hey, I just remembered something.'' Josh said.

"Care to share?" Emily spoke. "Oh hey, that rhymed." She said, more to herself than anything.

"If I remember right there's a very small military installation near here."

"But wouldn't the military be doing something about all the Idiots outside if they were actually running though? Even if they have supplies, would there be tons of those Idiots there since, at the time of the outbreak, there would've been tons of people there?"

Nikel nodded. "She kinda has a point. I know what base you're talking about, and her points do check out."

"You got a point but, look how quickly things went to shit here. I doubt it would be much different for them. And even if it was, we would have protection for a short time."

"True, I guess." She shrugged. "Honestly, I didn't even see or hear the outbreak start. Once I'm asleep, good luck waking me up."

"Shit, that must suck. But if we need to carry someone physically or not, it will be hard."

"Eh, kick me a few times. I'd understand if there was a good reason."

Nikel gave her a look of pure disbelief. It's easy to tell who was a morning person and who wasn't.

"Or you'll bitch like the rest of us and go back to sleep." Josh prodded.

She put her hand over her heart, purposely acting over dramatic. "I did not need that call out thank you very much."

"Well, he's not wrong, is he?" Nikel spoke.

"..." She sighed. "Ya."

"I thought so." Josh gave a small smile. "Now after we get what we need, I believe we should go to the base. During research on this area, I spotted a military base called 'Malmstrom Air Force Base'. It's huge and probably overrun or still working. Either way, we need a car, ammo, guns, and people." Josh said.

"Sounds fun. Not the best driver, hope you guys know that." Emily shrugged.

"Shouldn't you have your driver's license though?" Nikel asked.

She huffed. "Just because I'm 17, does not mean I have it. It's a long story, okay. We should get the stuff before night comes." Nobody commented on the obvious topic change.

"Yeah, you wanna head out together or alone?" Josh asked, and watched as their face contort into a look of confusion.

"Go alone? Really? I may act on impulse, and say and do stupid stuff half the time, but do you really think spliting up is a good idea? Have you not seen any horror or zombie movies?" Shock and confusion was clear on Emily's face.

"I have. I wasn't really sure if you really trusted me with your life."

"I don't, but hey! Go in a group and have a greater chance of surviving, or go alone and probably get killed. I have dark humor, but I like living. Well, sometimes at least."

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