( The Talk ]

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Liyah: so what's up , we been waking 3 minutes now and you haven't said a word yet . Either your lips are glued shut or its something on your mind .

Christen: ion't know where to start baby girl , i just . . . Since the . . .

Liyah: let me guess since the kiss you been thinking about us being a little more than friends .

Christen: umm , yeah kinda sorta .

Liyah: *takes a deep breath* Christen ...

Christen: wait hear me out LeeLee *Cutting her off* - i know you scared . I know you been hurt In your past . I know I'm not the best boy in the world but i want you to know whatever it takes ill do it . Any sacrifice i have to make i will . i been looking all my life for a faithful beautiful girl when i have had a wonderful one in my life all along . I need you Liyah and ill do what ever you need me to , to that is proven to you . Just please give me a chance .

*There was a very awkward silence for about 3 minutes , tears filled Liyah eyes . Because she actually felt what he was saying . Its not a word he spoke she didn't believe , as he wiped away her tears . She finally replied*

Liyah: wow , well let me start by saying , that was very beautiful Christen and i believe every word that has came from your mouth . I love you so much . I trust that you want hurt me . . . . . . . . But I'm sorry i just can't do this I'm sorry . I have to go .

Christen: No LeeLee please wait don't go !!

*Liyah then ran off crying , not because she had to go but because it hurt deep down inside she wanted to say yes but she was afraid of a terrible outcome .so many things going through here mind as she ran back home . Is she making a mistake ? Should she give him a chance? So many questions so little time to answer them all*

Imani: LeeLee what's wrong ? What did Christen do ?

Liyah: nothing , its what i didn't do .

Imani: talk to me lil sisturr what's wrong ?

Liyah: where its everybody ?

Imani: in they rooms . Come on let's go out back .

Liyah: i don't know what to do I'm so confused . He saying all the right words , he the perfect boy . Everything i ever wanted .but I'm so scared .

Imani: well , do you love him ?

Liyah: yes very much.

Imani: you care about him ?

Liyah: oh so much .

Imani: then there isn't no problem why you shouldn't give him a chance sis . He never disrespect you or anybody . he smart , doing something with his life . All our family loves him .

Liyah: but...

Imani: but nothing mama , he its somthing good you been looking for , get him before its to late , don't lose a good opportunity on temporary feelings . Do the smart thing .you want regret it . And if you do , look at it as lesson learned .listen to me sisturr i wouldn't tell you nothing you don't need to hear .

Liyah: thank you so much sisturr you always been here for me that's why i love you so much . *Then they hugged*

*A few weeks went by , and Liyah thought hard about what Imani told her . Although she hasn't told anyone her final decision we shall find out......... Next chapter* ( =

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