Chapter 13: Test 10

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 "Where do you think you're going?" The Eye Watcher asked skeptically as I attempted to escape and exit the door. He brought me into a separate room as I waited for the Test to end. The room was very claustrophobic as only walls surrounded me with no windows and a single chair was set where the E.W. was sitting on.

 There was no one around me except for him. His eyes seemed to bore into me like a hawk stalking its prey, watching my every move until the time was right to swoop me up. "Where Is everyone?" I took a step back from the door.

 "Everyone who has been 'tagged' was taken into separate rooms for the time being. Once the Test ends, everyone will be escorted to their next destination whether it be to the next Test or outside and back to the city."

 It's been about ten minutes since I was entrapped in here, and I couldn't stand still any longer. I had to get out there and see where everyone was. Had Airen made it to the safe zone or was he caught right after I was taken? What about Kai? Rin? Where were they?

 I paced the room and placed my hand against the cold wall, noticing it was the same white as in my dreams. Digging my nails against the concrete wall, the image of Lykenrole entered my mind. The feeling of his skin against my arm and the sound of his breath as he struggled for air - desperate and fleeting - was stuck in my mind. What was wrong with me? Why did I do such a thing? What was going on with my mind? I slammed my fist against the wall as anger and confusion boiled within me.

 Who am I?

 Hot tears slipped down my cheeks as the thought of not knowing myself frustrated me. Who was I in the past? What did they want from me?

 "It's time," the E.W.'s voice broke my train of thought and stood from his seat.

 I quickly wiped my tears before he could grab my arm and drag me out the room.

 We walked down the hallway, passing other rooms similar to ours. Everyone who was caught were leaving their rooms one at a time. We seemed to file in a single line, pausing as one person came out to the hallway and allowing them to step in front. No one said a word, but when Alina stepped out, she ended up in front of me.

 I had questions for her, but with the Eye Watchers by our side, I couldn't say a word. I simply stared at the back of her head as her ponytail moved from side to side. "Alina," I called out. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try.

 Alina doesn't stir and kept her head straight ahead.


 No response.

 I opened my mouth to call her name once more, but we abruptly stopped at a fork in the road. One by one, the E.W.s separated with their Test Taker by their side. Step by step, we came closer to the fork.

 Alina was escorted to the left. I tried following her, but the E.W. escorting me roughly pulled me to the right.

 I needed to speak to her! I needed to know what she knew! "Alina!" I screeched as I struggled to get out of the Eye Watcher's grasp. "Alina!"

 She turned and there was a sadness in her eyes. Her mouth moved but there were no audible words, confusing me even further. The only word I could make out was, "Beware."

 I was jabbed in the stomach. Hard. I doubled over and clutched where the E.W. had struck me.

 "Face forward or else you will suffer a consequence."

 I glared, but I must not make a scene any further. People were staring. Straightening myself up, I slightly bowed my head. "I'm sorry."

 Once more, I was taken by the arm and pulled down the hallway. There were no signs to tell where I was being led to, but I only had two options. It was either out of the building or into a new room for the next Test. Whatever it was, I couldn’t get my mind straight. Nothing at this point seemed to make sense. Why was I here? Why did I have to deal with these Tests in the first place? I came here, thinking I would be able to find myself, but so far, I’m just left with questions.

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