I understand this topic so well..
New friends! Don't we love them,but when we first meet them,you seem to be timid.When you first meet someone,you don't go all out and show them your crazy side.No,because then they'll call the psycho ward,and you don't wanna go back to the psycho ward,do ya?
Of course not!
In this chapter I will show you the two phases of a new friendship.Phase 1
You-Hi,how are you my name is Beyonce(This is an example people!)
New Person-Hello,I'm Rihanna(Still,and example)
You-Great.So,you're new right?
New Person-Yeah,I'm new and really don't have any friends,I think it's because I'm ugly
You-*white girl gasp* You're not ugly,you're gorgeous,don't ever think such a thing
New Person-Thanks
Phase 2
After knowing each other for a while and understanding and discovering that you are both crazy as fuck....
You-Hey hoe.
Now,New Best Friend-Hey bissh.Ooh,I look good today
You-*cracks up* That's a lie! Bish,you know you look fuck up,dafuq?
New Best friend-Shut the fuck up,that's why yo weave stank
You-*white girl gasp* And that's why yo hair line-Whoops,forgot you didn't have one.
New Best friend-*white girl gasp*
*Awkward Silence*
You-You know you my best friend right?
New Best friend-Yeah,now,what you got in yo fridge,hoe?
See? You see how,Hi how are you?,turned into,Hey hoe?
And with this new best friend,comes those awkward conversations.
For example,with new people,you wouldn't even think about bringing up the conversation,boobs.But with your new best friend,you can talk about anything!
There are no boundaries.
Plus,you are now no longer c*ck blocking yourself.With a new person,I know you wouldn't say half of the crazy shitx you say to your best friend,but with your new best friend,anything is bound to come up.
Word Vomit (comment where I got that from if ya know ;)
Example A
New Person
You have a school project with the new student,she has to come over your house, and while she's looking through your Jewry box, she accidentlybreaks your favorite necklace.
You-*sighs* It's fine,don't worry about it.
Example B
New Best friend
You have a school project with your new best friend,she has to come over your house,and while she's looking through your Jewry box,she accidentally breaks your favorite necklace.
You-Omg! What have you done? Do you know what important event I was going to where that necklace
New Best Friend-Nowhere,cause you ain't got a damn place to be
You-*silent for a moment* Shut thee fuck up,since you broke my necklace,I'm borrowing your earrings for a month
New Best friend-Whatever
You see how the things work?
For Us
HumorUnless you cramp every month and secretly stalk your crushes,you wont understand this book.