HeadCanon #8: Saiouma

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Shuichi and Kokichi like reading together before they go to bed. They like reading fairy tales and mysteries. Ouma likes to ask Saihara to read him murder mysteries to him before they go to sleep but Shu, being the good boyfriend he is, doesn't want Kokichi to get nightmares so he usually says "no". But, on special days, he reads Ouma all the murder mysteries that his little lying heart deasires. Kokichi usually has really dramatic and animated reactions when Shumai is reading and The Detective finds it very childish and cute. The Liar likes to draw when Shu reads fairy tales. His drawings always come out looking so beautiful and fantastical when he listens to his beautiful boyfriend read him fantasy. Shuichi likes to hang up the drawings in the morning. Needless to say, their room is covered wall-to-wall in beautiful and royal looking drawings.

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