HeadCanon #91: Ishimondo YoungBlood!AU

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(So I just made this AU while listening to the song YoungBlood from Green Day so I suggest you listen to that song before you read this).

1. Mondo is a party kid who is a goofball and always seems to get in trouble and is a bit of a punk.

2. Taka is the smart, but tough, slightly cold, and and done-with-your-shit Prefect of the school.

3. Mondo met Ishi at a party. BTW, Taka did NOT want to be at that party AT ALL.

4. Owada and him talk at said party and they slowly become friends.

5. Someone was picking on Taka and called him a "genius". Mondo was about to beat the guy up. but then Ishi punched the kid in the stomach and then kicked him in the face. Threatening him, saying, "If you call me that ever again I will do much worse to you than this." And that's the moment Owada realized he had a crush on Taka.

6. Taka has had to drive Mondo home after getting waaaay too drunk at a party and falling into a bush.

7. Taka confessed to Mondo, not the other way around like most people think.

8. They once fucked in the back of. car while listening to rock. It was a good time.

9. Owada calls Taka his Little YoungBlood. <3

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