Chapter Thirteen

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"So what happened to you anyway."

"I don't really want to talk about it man it's complicated."
"Whatever shitty hair, but I'll get it out of you eventually."
"Yeah yeah whatever bakubro."
"What did I tell you about calling me that you red haired loser!"

I just laugh at him and keep walking. It feels nice to talk with him again and it's not even weird for me. I can tell there is definitely still tension but it won't get in the way anymore. I'm over being weird with Katsuki. I still haven't told him about Shouto but I mean it's none of his business. Right? I mean we're just back to speaking terms I feel like it's too much to mention right now. That's when we get back to my house.

"Well I guess I'll see you later. Bye Katsuki."
"See you shitty hair. Don't get yourself into any more trouble you hear me."
"I hear you loud and clear bro."
And just like that, Katsuki was gone.

When I get inside I go up to my room. I should text Shouto. No wouldn't that be weird. No I should, I need to heal that relationship. I start to scroll through my contacts to find Shouto. There it is "IcySpicy".

What's up????
You dont talk much do you?
Now your correcting my grammar????
*you're and you used way too many question marks.
You know what
I have a challenge for you
You have to use the worst grammar possible for the rest of this conversation.
*please and no.
Pls I'll do anything
But there's  nothing that I want from you.
Can you just do it then?????
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Nu pr0bl3m
Omg!!!!!! Your doing it
Y3ah id d0 AnyThIng 4 u
Oh wow your really good at this
i n0 i cAn b3 g0od at Any,ThIng If its 4 u u r3a11y m0tIvat3 me
K I think that's enough. Ots getting hard to read your texts.
Oh thank God, that was killing me.
I'm proud of you for trying something different
How are you feeling? Nothing bad happened right?
Yeah I'm fine man, I feel better than ever.
So I've been meaning to talk to you.
So I never really apologized for kissing you, I also never asked for your permission.
You saved me man I'm grateful. If you didn't take action I would have probably been a zombie so it's all cool dude.
Okay that's good to know. Do you regret it? Like if I didn't need to save you would you have wanted to?
You've put me in quite an uncomfortable situation. Honestly I'm not sure. I'm still readjusting to everything.
It's okay I understand, but could you try to think about it a little.
Yeah man anything for a friend
Okay well I have to go, I'll talk to you at school tomorrow.
Yeah see you man

I turn off my phone. Would I have regretted it? Do I like him? I know that I am over Katsuki... or am I? I don't know it's all too confusing. Why can't my life just be normal? Do I like Shouto? Or do I like Katsuki?

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