Chapter Eleven

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I need to formulate a plan. Bringing Eijiro back depends on it. I feel like if I'm not quick enough, I could lose him forever. He would have already had this figured out. Maybe I should confide in someone. I mean it's risky and Eijiro might hate me after for telling someone. I don't like to admit it but I think that I will most certainly need help with this, if I didn't need help I would've figured it out already. The code would have already been cracked. But who could I trust enough to help me? It can't just be anyone, I could ask a stranger and maybe  I could convince them that  I need help with something. Denki, I'll talk to Denki. I mean Denki isn't a stranger but he's perfect for this. Denki is Eijiro's best friend and he's an idiot so I could just tell him that I'm writing a story or something. I start to approach the bakusquad in hopes that I can get Denki away from them.
(Shouto) "Hey Denki, would you mind if I pulled you aside for a minute or two?"
(Denki) "No problamo broski. So what's up?"

I don't answer Denki's question until we are out of hearing range. I can't risk Katsuki hearing this, especially because he's already on my tail.
"Well you see, I'm working on a story where one of my characters got a, umm love sick yeah. They got love sick and the only way to get rid of it is to love someone else or get their emotions removed by um magic. The love sickness is an actual sickness that could kill them if their love interest doesn't like them back. The character in my story was dying, so she decided to get her emotions removed. You following?"
"Yeah bro I'm following. So what do you need me for? I mean it seems like you already have it figired out cheif."
"Well I left out a detail. There is someone who loves the person with the sickness and they want to bring them back, but I don't know how they woild do it. Got any ideas?"
"Hmm let me think..."
I think he fell for it. Maybe he'll actually have some good advice.
"Oh I got it!"
"Okay, could you tell me?"
"Yeah. Okay so they got sick becausd they were in love but not loved back right?"
"Yeah okay so if love got them into it, what if love could get them out? like a fairytale."
"Okay explain."
"Like what if the other person like expressed their love towards the sick person and it gave them their emotions back?"
"Oh my god, Denki you're a genius!"
"I am?"
"Yeah sure, I've got to go."

I start running away. You know what? That idiot actually has a pretty good idea. What if I kiss Eijiro and it brings him back to normal? I mean it probably won't work but it's the best shot that I have. I start searching for Eijiro and I see that coveniently he is alone. I have to do it now before I wimp out. I walk over to him as normally as I can.
"Hey Eijiro."
"How are you holding up?"
"I'm fine."
"I hope that you're still fine after this. I'm sorry if you never wanted or want to do this."
And before he could ask or protest, I kiss him.

Bleeding For Him (BNHA) (TODOSHIMA) ( COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now