Before our lips touch , he stops and ask me "are you sure ?"
I nod my head . The fact that he asked me if I was sure , made me feel safe . You know .?
Then , we kissed . It was a kiss I've never felt before tho . I had sparks in my stomach . And the way he was kissing me , child's he can have my babies now ! (Oop😭👀)
"Sethh" I moan as he slips his tounge in my mouth . His hands roaming around my body and mine playing in his hair.
After about 5 minutes we were done making out and just laid there with a blanket and watched the lion king .Seths pov.
When me and Kaylee were kissing , it was something I never felt . Something that I wanted to happen again tho .
But when she moaned my name in her ear, that made me go even more crazy for her . She was so perfect no matter what flaw she had . Makeup or not , she was beautiful.
I knew by that moment I had to make her mine soon .As we are in the middle of the lion king , I felt something fall on my lap . I look to see Kaylee fast asleep. So I turned off the tv, and picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room .
It was a bit kinda hard to find considering she had a nice big size home and this was my first time here.
But once I entered a room that had a picture of her and her family, and also a letter ' K ' on top of her wall, above her bed. I knew it was her room.
I moved the covers and put her under them. "Can you stay ? Please" she said tiredly. Considering it was 2 a.m .
"Of course. Goodnight beautiful " I said and kissed her head.
I already had shorts on and a shirt, but I took the shirt off cause I knew I was gonna get hot.
Once I got in the bed, she immediately cuddle up with me. And I just stroked her hair, waiting to fall asleep .
This is something I can get used too .—- I never do this buhh, how did y'all like it 😭 ? I know this one kinda short buh lemme know what y'all think of the whole story so far and give me some ideas 😌 ! .

The beginning of Colby and Kaylee.!
Fanfiction" I think I'm falling for him ... hard "