I'm back my bunnies💗🐰

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Omg I missed y'all so much like you don't understand😫😫💔.

Let me catch y'all up on what's been going on in my little life. So my boyfriend and I broke up, it's okay don't be sad because I'm fine❤️. For the last four months of our relationship, I wasn't happy & I thought that he would realize it but he didn't🤷🏼‍♀️.

Let me just say something real quick, BREAKS UP are okay, MOVING ON is okay, STARTING OVER is okay, BEING ALONG/SINGLE is okay, what is not okay is staying somewhere where your unappreciated, taken advantage of, not valued, and not happy. That is not okay, so don't be afraid to put what you NEED FIRST!! And FYI WHAT YOU NEED IS TO BE HAPPY🗣❤️ Everyone should be able to be happy. Whether your single or in a relationship.

I don't care how long you've been with that person IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY, you let them know, give them a chance to give you that spark again but if they don't, THEN YOU PACK YOUR SHIT & GO.

Right now I'm just focused on school, writing & being happy. Love you bunnies, love youuuu❤️.

Oh yeahhhhh, any WATTPAD TEA ?😂

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