Hey Authors Heyyy

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So I had this idea of writing a book about high school students trapped on a remote island. There's a certain group who each have their own individual strengths and weaknesses. Then there's also other students who are also trapped with them. They would have to learn how to survive on their own with the knowledge and strength they have, sorta like the 100th.

They would have a couple of leaders, social groups, monsters chasing them and a lot of kill offs etc. I don't know, but that is what I feel like writing. I just don't want to write it alone because I don't want to just focus on one character, I want some deaths to hurt the readers (hehe).

So yeah, I had that in mind. The book would be written in third pov because first pov isn't really all my style anymore. So yeah, hit me up if you want to help🤷🏼‍♀️.

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