Chapter 25, Together...

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*No one's POV*

It was safe to say Yami was fuming at his little brother, his Yugi almost got killed. But he also blamed it on the driver, as none of this day would've happened if they stayed inside.

The way everyone was sitting was the same, but Yugi had curled himself up slightly and Yami was holding his hand rubbing his thumb over the back of it. Once back at the house, Yami was the first to get out forcing Heba out and picking Yugi up to take to their room. Once he was down, he noticed Yugi still had a cold stare to him. 

"Yugi? Can you look at me?" Yami asked while getting to his level. He placed his hands on his cheeks and rubbed his thumb around. "I'm so sorry you had to do that, I will scold Heba for letting you two get in that situation."

"N-No, Yami. Please don't go anywhere," Yugi begged and grabbed his arm. "E-Everytime you leave me, something happens. I don't want to be on my own again."

Yami felt horrible, he had made him feel like this. To which he has noted and will never leave his side again. He got up from where he was and forced Yugi to lie down as he joined him. 

"I will never leave you Yugi, I will stay with you," Yami said and linked his hand to Yugi. He brought it up and kissed the back of it, before placing his lips to Yugi's cheek.

With a red face, Yugi shifted so his head was on Yami's chest and he let out a sigh hearing the others increased heartbeat. 

Unknown to them, a third person was watching over them from the creak of the door. He closed it and walked away, still confused on how his brother could turn so soft for one person. But there is one thing for sure, he has never seen his brother be that gentle and smile with someone. 

He was determined to end this mission, to listen to his father and do what he has been trained to do.

Now he was not so sure.

"Heba? You alright there?" Heba heard and turned from the top of the stairs where he was sitting. Atem had a bottle of vodka in his hand as he took a seat next to the younger.

"You're gonna drink yourself to death, stop it," Heba said as he reached for the bottle but got his arm smacked. 

"What I do is really none of your concern. But anydoddle, what's with your face. Looks like someone killed the family dog in front of you," Atem said and started to drink again.

"What I do is none of your concern," Heba spat back and Atem almost choked. Heba smiled at him but thought it would be alright to speak to someone of the outside. That doesn't know him and would give advice. "I'm just confused that's all."

Atem put his bottle away from his lips and sighed. Heba noticed he was looking around then he stood up and grabbed Heba's arm. He dragged the other down the hall and into another room.

Closing the door, he made Heba sit on his bed as he put his bottle down.

"Shoot then," Atem said and sat down next to Heba. "My ears are all yours, tell me what's bothering you."

Heba took a sigh, he felt like he was in a therapy room. 

"I just, feel like what I've been taught my whole life is a lie," Heba said and tucked in his knees. "Yugi was supposed to be that big bad enemy, but he is harmless and has a good heart. Hell, I have never seen my brother smile without it being fake."

Atem hummed and went to grab Heba's hand, before noticing the younger one slightly shaking. 

"What am I supposed to do? I-I don't want anything to happen to my brother for if my father learns of what we are doing," Heba mumbled and looked at his hands. "We'll both be killed. And he was the only one to keep me happy, he means everything to me. Atem, what do I do?"

Atem made the choice, he grabbed the younger's hand gaining his attention. "You've both been fine so far right? Even though we have been attacked twice, you two have came through haven't you?"

"With your two numbness to murder, and I do have some skills myself. Your father will not get close to this house or you two. So why don't you be a little like that idiot in there?" Atem finished and smiled at Heba.

The younger blushed and looked away, wondering how he didn't notice how attractive Atem has been. 

"Can I have some of your drink?" Heba asked as he got up not waiting for an answer.

"That will be an indirect kiss, sure you still wa-" 

He couldn't finish before Heba had brought the bottle to his mouth and let the liquid flow. He opened his eyes and coughed, forgetting how much it burned. Atem was left to laugh so much he fell on the floor and started to punch it as the younger just pouted at him.

"How can you take this straight!?!" Heba yelled as he put the bottle down. "A-Also, if I wanted a damn kiss I wouldn't act like a stupid little school girl and I would ask."

"Well," Atem stated and sat up. "Have you done it? You ever kissed a man?"

Heba's face darkened in colour as he shook his head. 

"Want to come down here and give it a shot?"

"H-Hell no!!" Heba yelled as he went to the door to storm out, but his feet froze. He looked back to see Atem lying on the floor staring at him with a smirk. "T-Thank you for listening to me."

He walked out the room and noticed his brother coming out the room with a smile. They both took to going downstairs and sitting down in the living room. 

"So, little brother. I haven't asked you much on how you are here," Yami said as he was looking out the window. "Do you prefer it here, or back at that house."

"Of course here. I can speak to people here without the talk of murdering people," Heba said and Yami snickered to himself. "You seem pretty happy with Yugi, so what is it you two are?"

"To be honest I don't know. I am at my happiest when he is around me and my heart picks up. I wouldn't call it love though," Yami said and Heba thought to himself.

It was almost as if Yami was describing himself.

"I just know I don't want to be away from him, if I am I'm nervous. I get more angry, that something could happen to him. I'm a different man," Yami went on and his little brother admired him. 

The boys let the silence cover them as they sat side by side, a thing they haven't done since they were little.

Footsteps behind them made the both of them turn to see their caretaker, Takashi. 

"Mind if I join you two?" he asked and the two heads nodded. The older sat in the middle and placed his hands on the boys thighs. "I have never seen you two so relaxed in my life. I think here is doing you good.

"Me too"

"So do I."

Takashi laughed as the boys went beetroot from speaking at the same time. He loved it, seeing his kids smile. The only thing he wants now if for them to live a happy life without having to kill.

"I'm looking forward to the future boys," Takashi said and turned on the t.v

I am living for my soft murderous boys. I think now things will start to get spicy, so will Yugi's little soul be able to stay on track with the others? Or will all this break him? Can the Sennen brothers and Atem be able to protect him? 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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