Chapter 30, Plans to invade...

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*Yami's POV*

Where am I? Where's Yugi? Why is everything white, is he alright? Did he get away?

Sora....I remember seeing him, what was he doing? My leg hurts, why? Did someone hurt me? As long as Yugi is alright....then I don't care....

"Yami!!!!!" I heard and that when it clicked, I'm not even in reality.

The bright lights blinded my eyes as I tried to open them, seeing who it was calling for me. My little brother was next to me almost crying while Takashi had gloves covered in blood.

"Thank god you woke up, we were getting worried there," Takashi said and took off his gloves looking down at me. "With how much blood you lose I'm surprised you're still alive."

"Where is Yugi? Please tell me he's ok," I asked trying to sit up but Marik forced me down. "I swear where is he?"

No one answered me, worry started to build as I scanned the room and remembering the events that took place not too long ago. 

"He's not with us," Bakura said and came into view. "When we found you, you were by yourself unconscious. What happened?"

My Yugi was taken from me, my father and Sora stole him. 

"I'm gonna kill him," I mumbled and tried to swing my legs over to stand up but my brother and Takashi held me down. "Let me go!! My father has him and I can't leave him alone!!!!"

"Shut up," Bakura said and hit my head making me sit down. "Going now will get you and all of us killed right now without planning. Do you want him killed?"

Bakura had a point so I had no choice but to stay put. 

"We won't leave him Yami," Heba said holding my hand. "He's important to us all to some degree, even though Marik and Bakura don't know him too well. But they trust us which is enough."

Bakura was going red in the face while Marik coughed and looked away making us laugh at them. They both said how their secret boyfriends were still stuck in there unable to get out and that was their main reason to go back.

I didn't want to waste too much time planning this, father could be doing anything to Yugi right now and after I promised him I would protect him... I feel like I have failed in life. He trusted me to keep him safe and my own family takes him right from under my nose.

The plan was to go there at 11, that's when most of the mansion is out and on missions because all missions got carried out in the night and they would start to return at 1 so it meant we wouldn't have too much problems for a while. 

Now it was a case of waiting for the time to tick. 

"Yami, I don't think you should join us on this mission," Marik said once the others had left. "With you ingury, you might end up worse or not even making it out alive."

"To be honest I don't care Marik," I said and went to stand up. Marik rushed to my side and placed an arm under me and helped me up. "As long as he is safe then that's all that matters. I could lose my arms and legs and I won't care."

"You love him that much huh?" Marik asked and I nodded my head smiling. "Well just pro- say you'll be careful tonight alright?"

I smiled at him, he really does care even though we have fought so much. With his help, I started to get used to the pain in my leg to the point Marik could leave me alone. I won't lie, I'm shitting it. 

My father is not someone to mess with and now, I'm about to strom the mansion with my friends and father figure along with my brother. I don't want them to get hurt because of this, because of my stupid choices.

The hours past, and we were finally into a car on our way with all sorts of weapons attached to us. Heba didn't want to be on the inside, but since he was great on the computers he said he would try and shut down the cameras.

*No one's POV*

He was sat in the room his lover suffered the most, tied down in chains that dug into his body and shivering. That man from before, the consit hits made his body change colour to an ugly colour. The blood had trickled down his body, creating a somewhat of a small dried up spot on the floor.

When the door slammed open, he looked up and saw him holding something. A whip covered in thorns. The one tied in the chair tried to scarmble anywhere away from him but he couldn't go anywhere and every move made it so the chains went further into his skin.

"How's this room for you? My son spent a lot of time here," the man said closing the door and turning on a small light hurting his eyes from being used to the darkness. "He was such a child, I was happy his brother did better, but it seems he followed his brother's footsteps."

"W-Why am I here!?! What do you want!?!" the one tied down managed to scream out before earning a slap to the face. 

"You are not allowed to speak to me with that tone," the man said and watched his victum. "Yugi Muto, by being the youngest of the two. Getting you was the best choice for me to make. My stupid sons were sent to get you but ended up falling in love with you."

The man stopped and looked all over the room, then back to Yugi. "My plans are too complex for you to know, because as my son was, you are just a child."

Yugi didn't want to say anything, but he hated it when this excuse of a father was bad mouthing his children. 

"Those two will forever be more of a man than you for the treatment you have given them!!!" Yugi screamed out. A swift quick to the stomach made Yugi almost throw up, but he held it down. 

"You need to learn a lesson, a big lesson that I think what I have isn't good enough," the man said and smirk thinking of something. "Since my son seems to think you belong to him, how about we mark you."

"W-What do you mean..." Yugi mumbled, not ready to let his spirit die down. He wasn't about to let this man in front of him break him.

"An S should be good, right on your stomach," the man laughed to himself and went to walk out turning off the light. "You will regret that sharp tongue of yours."

With a slam of the door, Yugi allowed himself to let a tear slip. He was scared, badly scared. Scared that something had happened to Yami as the last time he saw him, he was shot. Was he saved? Is he off the streets or has someone turned him in? 

Please be safe.....Yami.....

This story is far too short for me to end it any time soon, so with just sitting in the dark thinking about my life choices the next part of this story came into my head. I don't know what I am more exicted for, the next few chapters or the next thing I am planning.

Hope everyone is healthy and staying safe!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!

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