Chapter 28, Suspicious...

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*No one's POV*

Back at the Sennen Mansion...

"Has the the youngest Muto been captured yet?" Mr Sennen said down the phone. His eldest son has not sent him a report ever since he left the house and with his main man and youngest gone on the same mission, he was disappointed in all of them.

"No sir, we have yet to see Master Yami and Master Heba return home as well. Shall I send a search party out for them?" a maid said over the phone.

"Don't bother," Mr Sennen said and hung up the phone. He thought to himself on what to do, because sending children on a mission he should've done himself was the stupidest thing he has done. 

He got up  and walked through his office, looking at the photos on the wall. It was when his children were young and had smiles on their faces. Which he was happy to rid off, as being happy made them vulnerable. Something had to happen for Yami not to complete his mission, so he had to make a change fast.

Walking to a room he knocked on the door and reviled one of his henchmen. "Sora, I need a favor," Mr Sennen said and watched as Sora placed a weight down. "You need to go undercover for me."

"Sure boss, who's throat do I need to cut?" Sora asked as he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his shoulder.

"No one right now, I want you to track down my sons and see what they're doing nowadays. I feel like they're dead but I need to know so I can send more men to do their job," Mr Sennen said and tossed him a radio. "Let me know everything you see. I hope to hear back from you soon as my patience is wearing thin."

Meanwhile, back with the house full of lovebirds...

"Dude why did you take the last cookie!?! I said it was mine!!!" Marik yelled out at Yami who was sitting happily with Yugi hugging his side. He was ignoring Marik's yelling until he came behind the couch and pulled his hair. "Oi fuckboy listen to me!"

"Let go of my hair before I put a knife between your eyes!!" Yami yelled and tried to thrash without disturbing Yugi too much. Which failed as he got up and went to sit with Heba and talk with him. "I ate it to just piss you off. You upset now~~ You big fucking baby it's just a cookie. News flash THE SHOP HAS MORE!!!"

Takashi joined the look a like youngers and get filled in on what was going on, about how they were fighting over a single cookie. Although them fighting was driving him insane, he was happy to see the house so lively. 

Atem came down the stairs now, was raging at the two fighting from waking him up in his nap so he joined the feud. 

Fifth-teen minuted passed and Yugi had dragged Yami away to upstairs while Heba tried to calm Atem down and Bakura now facing Marik's rage from his stolen cookie.

"Honestly, remind me why I brought him here," Yami sighed out and laid himself on Yugi's bed. Yugi climbed on the bed and on top of Yami's chest, getting comfortable as Yami wraps his arms around him. "Please give me strengths to not strangle them."

"I'm grateful you brought them though," Yugi said and Yami decided to move their places. Holding Yugi, he brought himself up and leaning against the wall Yugi straddling his lap. "I feel safe now and it's thanks to you."

Yugi kissed his cheek and smiled when Yami placed his hand on his cheek. Then something popped inside his head. "I never thought, we never did ask each other out did we?" Yugi asked and Yami felt flustered realizing he never did. With all their make out sessions he never properly.

"Um I- er-" Yami stumbled with his words lost for them. Yugi laughed and gave him a quick peak on the lips.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make this awkward. We're close enough that words aren't really that important," Yugi said and let his arm run down Yami's body.

"O-Only when it comes to conse-" Yami went on and wanted to finish before Yugi had forced his lips onto Yami shutting him up. Yugi knew what he was going to say, and wanted to show how much he trusted Yami.

Yami relaxed into the kiss, his hands finding their way to holding Yugi's hips and bringing him close to him. With their bodys having not a inch of space between them, both were sent into a moan mess as Yami buckled his hips to Yugi. "Y-Yami..I-I kinda wanna-"

"Not now, with them all downstairs and awake. Later tonight though, I'll give you what you want," Yami cooed and kissed Yugi's neck. "Do you want something else though, a little relief down here."

Yami moved his hand down Yugi's pants and boxers, rubbing his dick slightly making the other gasp and place his head on Yami as he was sensitive. He nodded his head as Yami was started to quicken his pace, filling his hand whole. "I need words baby. They are important now," Yami whispered as he slowed down to tease Yugi.

"Yami...I-I need you to-"

"Oi! You two better stop fucking and get down here right now! I have shit to talk about!!!" Marik called up and Yugi whimpered as Yami stopped his movement and looked at the closed door.

"We'll be down soon!" Yami called out hearing Marik walk away. Yugi was about to get up before Yami grabbed the hem of his pants and pulled him back down. "Na ah, not this time. We finish this time."

Yami brought Yugi down to meet his lips as his hand got back to work, Yugi moaning into the kiss.

Outside the house with Sora...

They're living like some sick happy gay family. It's disgusting, Sora thought.

Sora got his radio out and waited for a reply from Mr Sennen with him picking up. "Your son is gay for the person he was supposed to kidnap," Sora reported and watched as Heba was being held upside by some strange look a like by Yami. "Heba? He's also with someone there. I'll be back soon."

Sora got back into his car, trying not to throw up thinking how Yami and Heba have turned on their own family and living with the enemy.

Papa Sennen coming in big now! Poor Sora is just being used as a tool like the rest of them. What's gonna happen next? Are the residents of the Muto house prepared for what is about to happen?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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