Chapter 39, Not a good idea....

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*No one's POV*

"Dude you're gonna get killed by him," Marik said to Yami. He had not that long returned home and informed his group of his meeting with the Muto brothers. All of them were against it, him meeting up with Yugi behind Atem's back. But they knew how much Yami had been depressed since losing him.

Losing him a second time might break him. 

Takashi was just as happy though, he wanted to see Heba again since he hasn't really talked to him at all since he left. 

"It's worth it, plus Atem won't kill me. Just injure me and honestly I have had much worse done than he can ever do," Yami said as he kicked off his shoes. Just then, his phoned pinged and he shot from the living room and to his shared room with Takashi.

Yugi- H-Hey Yami. This is Yami right? I have the right number?

The excitement was growing inside Yami, he thought he would be the first to message Yugi not the other way round. But in no sort of way was he complaining.

Yami- Hello, it is I. I didn't think you would message me to be fair.

Yugi was taking a little bit to message back, so Yami took the time to strip down and change into his pajamas. The phone echoed as another message came through, Yami shirtless jumping onto the bed and grabbing his phone.

Yugi- Yeah. I just, really wanted answers now and couldn't wait. I know it's getting late, but could I call you?

Yami felt like Yugi didn't have to ask him for anything, because he would do anything for Yugi.

After a quick yes, the phone started to ring. With a deep breath, Yami hit the green button and waited for that soft voice to speak up.

"H-Hey Yami," Yugi whispered and Yami couldn't be more happier. He sounded alright, so he got home alright which was good. 

"You're a little quiet there, why don't you speak up a little," Yami joked and Yugi giggled. They were like a melody to Yami's ears. "So what's up? What questions do you have for me on this fair night."

Yugi didn't speak up again, which made Yami look at his phone to make sure he didn't hang up.

"I. Well I didn't really have any questions for you tonight, I sorta just wanted to speak to you," Yugi admitted twiddling his fingers together. 

At that moment, Yami knew. If he had lost his memories, that moment he would fall right back in love with him. The smile that was plastered on his face was ever growing and he didn't care. His father would call him soft but he didn't care. His friends would call him a stupid love struck person. But he didn't care.

"Alrighty then, anything you would like to talk about?" Yami asked as he switched on a radio and looked out his window. Since they were at the top of a really high building, it was almost like the stars were right in front of him. Those balls of gas were just a little from touching but never to be held by a human. 

That's how he felt with Yugi sometimes. He seemed so close, their happy end just within their grasp. But distance gets in the way for them. 

"Well I wanted to know about you a little, Atem said when I got home you're extremely dangerous and that I shouldn't listen to a word you say," Yugi went on with Yami shaking his head. "Said if I stayed around you I will end up in a hospital."

"You're an adult right?" Yami asked knowing the answer. "So you can decide for yourself if I'm that dangerous. But there is a reason for his words."

"I wasn't raised like a normal family. My family was one of the biggest groups in Domino. We hurt a lot of people, killed a lot of people. Hell I killed someone when I was just a child. Same for Heba, we weren't good people. Hell I was told to kidnap you and torture you, but instead I-"

"You fell in love with me right?" Yugi cut him off. 

Yami was stunned, he generally thought that Yugi would tell him to fuck off. 

"After fighting with him for an hour when I came back, that is the only thing he told me. That we were lovers. And when you k-kissed me, I felt those sparks. I knew then, you weren't just some random person that Atem wanted me to stay away from."

"Yami, I want to know about us. Everything about us. How did your feelings switch? How did I lose my memories because Atem still won't tell me," Yugi sounded like he wanted to cry on the other end of the line. Which killed Yami inside.

"Hey hey angel, don't cry please. I promise everything will become clear soon," Yami said and heard Yugi sniffle. How he would love to be holding him right now, stroking his back and calming him down.

But for their happy end, there is a lot of speed bumps and hills on the way. Yami was prepared to go the distance, but will Yugi walk with him?

"I-I wanna see you Yami. Tomorrow please," Yugi sniffled and sneezed straight after. Yami couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course, whatever time and place you want I'll go," Yami said and could feel the smile Yugi had on him. He heard footsteps coming and had to get off the phone fast. "Yugi I'm really sorry but I need to go. Text me the details?"

Yugi hummed and Yami decided to chance something before he hung up.

"I love you Yugi."

He hung up, but it was defiantly enough time for Yugi to hear.

Takashi entered the room and looked at Yami who was standing topless at the window phone in hand.

"You trying to become a model or something?" he asked and laughed before taking to the shower. Yami finally got a top on and laid on his bed. 

The last thing he did was check his messages before bed.

Yugi- Could we meet at that house at 10am? Thank you for agreeing to this Yami xx

I turn 19 in a week, then 20 in a year. I am FRICKING SAD MAN! It's bad enough when my co workers though I look 22-26. I don't know, just everything feels off.

But hey, we be bringing puzzleshipping back together. 

Will Atem learn of their secret meetings? 

Will Yami's friends be on his side?

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