Chapter 41, Into the forest...

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*No one's POV*

The boys were playing a dangerous game meeting up all the time behind Atem's back. Although Yugi was loving the time he was spending with Yami, he couldn't help but feel that they were always being watched. 

At this point Yugi has said that Heba knew about their meet ups but chose to keep it to himself, but he felt horrid for lying to Atem saying he doesn't know where they were going.

Today, Yami had planned for their 'friend meet up' for them to take a walk around one of the largest parks nearby. Covered in large tress, bulky bushes and rivers, it would be hard for someone to ambush them out there.

Yami made sure to keep his phone on hand however, with Takashi and the others in a van at the entrance in case something went wrong. "Wow, there's a lot of little rivers isn't there?" Yugi asked as he placed his hand in the water and felt the small current. 

"I have a towel in my bag if you wanna go in, just don't fall completely in," Yami said trying to keep his mind out the gutter.

Yugi said he only wanted a friendship right now, as he wasn't sure of his feelings and didn't want to feel pressured because of the past they had. And as painful as it was to Yami, he agreed. He would take anything if it meant he could spend time with him.

"Yeah, my clothes would stick to me. Jeans aren't the best to try and pull off either because they snug on your legs," Yugi said pulling his hand out from the water. Unaware of the face he had left Yami on. 

His mind raced, imagining a wet Yugi with his clothes all sticking to him in their own room. Also him struggling to get his shirt off, looking over to him and asking in a sweet voice;

"Can you help me get undressed Yami?"

Yami felt something twitch. 

"Hey you in there Yami?" Yugi asked waving his hand in front of the others face. Yami snapped out of his gaydream and smiled awkwardly.

"Just peachy. And yeah, j-jeans are a struggling to get off when wet," Yami mumbled as Yugi trotted on. He hated it, from all the times they had met up and he knew it. Yugi didn't meant to make him feel an effect from his words. But he couldn't help it. The love he still had was growing more each day, and he craved to hold him.

With a small amount of time walking, also with Yugi pointing out the wildlife when it jumped by them they hit the centre of the park which had a large open filed with a small play park and a pond in the middle which was covered with ducks.

Yugi of course, wasn't interested in any of that. But he dashed off when he say a sign for the entrance to the river ahead. Yami chased after him, not losing sight of him as they came into another opening. A small waterfall, which had some teenagers jumping from the top.

"Hey guys look! Some fresh meat!" One called out as he jumped from a branch in the tree to land in front of them. Yami grew paranoid, getting in front of Yugi and holding the handle of his gun. "The name is Yuma, hope we don't scare you two from this jumping."

"Why are you doing that? Isn't the water too low for it?" Yugi asked while holding one of Yami's arms. He didn't want to not trust everyone, but he was a little bit nervous about them.

"Pfft na, as long as you jump at the right bit it's really deep. Want us to show ya? HEy Astro!! Jump dude!!!" Yuma called out and watched as his friend did a peace pose before he took off the side. Yugi watched with his mouth open as Astro hit the water and surfaced with the rest of their friends giving him cheers."

"Oh how funnnn. Now if you will excuse us, we have a day planned and-"

"What about you? You seem eager to try this?" Yuma asked as he leaned back to have a look at Yugi's face. "If we show you the right spot then you have nothing to worry about."

Yami's mind was racing, and terrified for what would happen to him if he took an injured Yugi home to Atem. He might actually get killed. 

But it didn't matter what he would say, because Yugi had stuffed his phone into Yami's pocket and was running up to the spot where the rest were. 

"Wait Yugi! I don't think that's a good idea!! You might get-"

"What are you, his father?" a female voice said and walked up to Yami with a towel around her neck. 

"E-Excuse me?" Yami mumbled with his face going red.

"We're just having some fun, and I have been studying in nursing so I can help when something goes wrong," she said and turned to watched the others.

When!?!? When something goes wrong?!?!?

Yami was getting more worried by the moment, but couldn't do anything here. 

He watched as Yuma placed his hand onto Yugi's shoulder and started to talk and point where to go. He also stepped back and pointed to the ground, supposedly the spot where it would be best to run. Then Yugi did something that would've made Yami howl if it was just them. He took off his shirt. He went to take off his pants but Yuma shook his head and pointed to Yami who had to turn away at this point.

"Watch me Yami!!" Yugi called out, making Yami turn his attention back to his lover. With the largest smile on his face, Yugi took a deep breath and jumped. Yami's gut did a flip as he watched him float through the air, almost as if he was flying.

Soon enough he still broke the surface of the water and landed in the area he was supposed to be. He was getting nervous though, as Yugi was taking a long time to surface again. But with a few seconds later he came up with a gasp fist bumping the air.

Yami sighed, letting go of the breath he didn't know he was holding. He was happy seeing Yugi making new friends, so he sat by at a bench nearby and watched as Yugi made a few more jumps with a never ending smile on him.

You guys ever been awkward around someone you liked? I have, for about two years of high school.

But poor Yami, his mind isn't being too nice to him is it? But will their relationship ever change? Is Yami now stuck forever in the friend-zone? And will Atem find out about them soon?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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