Prologue~ Gone

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'Y/N!!' Your mothers cheerful voice..... 'Y/N, it's time to wake up sweetie, you'll be late for preschool.' Your tired, four year old eyes fluttered open, and you let out a small grumble as you saw your mother smiling at you kindly.

You remember her vividly. Your mother was a joyful, hard working woman that would do anything for her precious daughter. She was the best part of your life.

As she went to pick you up for a hug you felt a sudden difference in your body that made your skin crawl. As soon as your fingertips brushed against your dear mothers bare arm, her skin started to ripple then tighten, and then it burst. You must have obtained a quirk in that moment just like everyone else your age. And you accidentally unleashed it.

Your mother started shrieking out in pain as blood started pooling out from the lack of any skin. All she was, was a screaming, hurting, meat covered skeleton. Bit by bit, her insides started spilling out onto the floor underneath you.

Your mouth gaped open, but no sound could come out. Your throat was tight and your eyes were welling up with tears at the terrifying sight in front of you. You puked. All over your mother's lifeless remains.

Your one safe place,

Was gone.

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