Chapter 4~ Burns From a Fake Hero

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You crinkled your eyebrows together and groaned, not wanting to get up for anyone. You hoped that whoever it was would assume that you weren't home and simply go away but that was to no avail as the knocking continued, more impatient this time. You flopped off of the couch and crawled your way to your feet. You now had your real face on and were wearing more casual and comfortable clothing- an over sized hoodie that covered your shorts.

You opened the door and stared at your visitor. How the heck did he know which apartment you were staying in. It was the guy with the spiky black hair, probably here to annoy you again. You leaned against the door frame expectantly as he just looked down at you. He was holding two cups of steaming coffee and you were wondering what the hell he was plotting.

"Well? You just going to stand there or are you going to tell me why you're at my front door." He tilted his head and something in his eyes sparkled.

"Oh. It is you, Hada. I wasn't sure if it were you or not since you look completely different but I can tell by your voice and that shitty attitude of yours. You're shorter now you don't have those heeled boots of yours on." So that's why he was quiet. He didn't know it was you. Shit, now he knows your true face.

"Yeah, it's me. I still haven't gotten your name though. I bet it's something stupid like scar." You smirked at that.

"Dabi. Is this your real face? Or are you still wearing a stolen one?" Dabi.... What'd it mean? Your name translated to Skin in Japanese so it was pretty explanatory, but where did a name like Dabi come from?

You hesitated for a bit, contemplating whether or not you should tell him that this was your real face or not. You decided that from now on you'd just wear your regular face all the time everywhere except for work purposes. "This is me. Not somebody else. How did you even know that this apartment was mine? Are you some secret Hada fanboy or something? Did I kill one of your friends maybe? You'd be surprised at the amount of times I've had people talk about how much they want to kill me like I killed their friend without them knowing that I'm Hada. What do you want." He looked at you then down at the coffee.

"I figured that it'd be a pain in the ass to have one of the most notorious assassins hating me considering I live right next door, so I brought some coffee. Thought maybe we could come to some happy bloodless conclusion." He was here to apologize? No way. A guy as cocky as Dabi wouldn't come knocking at your door asking to be friends. That's not how things work. He was blushing slightly and avoiding eye contact.

"If the reason you're here is because you thought I was pretty, go to the barista whose face I copied." You mumbled out your words slightly and went to close the door but he jammed his foot to keep the door from shutting.

"The hell? That ain't why I'm here, princess. Sure, the initial reason I started anything last night was because I thought you were cute and you looked easy but then you resisted. You've got a really feisty personality on ya and it ain't that often girls are causing me actual physical pain. I don't wanna fuck you, Hada." You looked at him a bit stunned as you instinctively opened the door a bit more to look at him to make sure his words were genuine. He looked down at you with pleading eyes and he wasn't being mischievous in the slightest. You bit down on your lower lip gently for a few seconds.

"Fine. I'll let you come inside. Only because I haven't had any coffee since yesterday morning. I still haven't eaten, either." He smirked at you sweetly as you moved towards the couch, leaving the door open for him. He let himself in, slipping off his shoes before shutting the door behind him. He placed one of the coffee cups down in front of you before he sat down on the couch next to you. He took a sip of his coffee as he looked around your apartment from his spot. You reached out and took hold of the pink ceramic mug and took a sip. It was delicious. You liked your coffee a bit strong but with a nice sweet frothy taste. It was perfect. All it needed was some whipped cream and a sprinkle of chocolate on top. "So how come you own a pink mug? I doubt you have a girlfriend or anything and you don't seem like the kinda guy that'd be into pink." You both took another sip.

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