Chapter 2~ Man With the Scars

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Kurogiri lead you around the block to a decent looking apartment block. You followed him up the stairs in silence. You didn't understand why such a polite and gentle person like Kurogiri would go villain but you weren't one for small talk so you kept the silence going until you arrived to the room that was now apparently yours. He handed you keys, bowed, then was swallowed by his own body and vanished. You unlocked the door and flicked on the lights. The apartment was far nicer than the one you had been staying in before so for that, you were grateful. You figured that you'd just go collect your belongings in the morning considering how dark it was at the moment and you didn't feel like being hit on by a bunch of drunk men. Last time that had happened, people were severely hurt, and none of them had been you.

You weren't tired yet so you decided to investigate the apartment complex. You locked up, shoved the keys into your pocket and went to check out the lounging area you saw before.

As you entered the public lounging area you noticed a man in black that you hadn't seen before. He had pitch black hair and patches of purple covering his face. You tried to ignore his examining eyes as you walked towards the fridge at the far side of the room. You hadn't eaten today so you were feeling peckish anyways. The only thing in the fridge was a half empty carton of spoiled milk and your disgust must've been visible to purple face guy because you could hear him chuckle slightly and you felt his eyes on you.

He casually walked over until he was directly behind you. You quickly took off your glove, keeping your body facing the open fridge. You were silently begging that he'd just go away and nothing would happen but unfortunately that was not the case.

His deep raspy voice croaked in your ear as you felt his big hands grab your waist. You were ready to strike at any moment but you didn't know this guys quirk or intentions.

"You hungry? Sorry to tell ya princess but there ain't any food for you here. However, if you come to my place there's a nice big sausage for you~" His voice sent shivers down your spine and your body stiffened. Was this his quirk or was he just really good at flirting; if you could even consider this flirting. It was more like sexual harassment.

"I was just checking. Now if you would please refrain from touching me, I'm going to bed." You tried to untangle yourself from his grasp but he wasn't letting go. You could practically feel him smirking and belittling you. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his wrist, using your quirk to make his skin twist and he immediately backed off, hissing in pain. You let him go and walked past him, his bright blue eyes glaring at you as he held his injured arm. You considered looking back and smirking at him but that simply wasn't your style. When you got back to your room, you let go of your own skin and you transformed back to yourself.

You found the neatly made bed and comfortably stripped down to your singlet and underwear and nuzzled your face into your pillow. So much better than your last apartment or any of the hotels you had stayed at.

You weren't actually tired yet so you lay there thinking about the guy from the lounging area. His purple patchwork fascinated you. Were they scars? The man with the scars... It sounded interesting. Joining this League of Villains was the best opportunity for you to get curious about things; about people. Why were you so intrigued by the man with the purple scars though? All you needed to know was that he was an asshole that should be avoided. You agreed with yourself and begun to fall asleep. The bed was warm and soft, practically wrapping around your small body making you feel secure for the first time in who knows how long. Of course, it was no level of security like you felt with your mother but it was still nice.

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