Chapter 3~ Hada

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You woke up early like usual, unfazed by the new scenery since you slept somewhere new each night. You felt your stomach grumble and you were instantly reminded of patchwork asshole from last night. You untangled yourself from the blankets you had wrapped yourself in and made your way to the bathroom. One of your highlights about your quirk was that you always had clean perfect skin. You put your tight, black, leather clothing back on and left the apartment, locking up as you left.

Near the front entrance you could smell the sweet scent of someone smoking. Personally, you were against smoking so you rolled your eyes and continued to exit the apartment block when you made eye contact with the smoker. Of course it had to be patchworks. You glared at him and scoffed as you instinctively begun to walk faster.

"Where're you off to this early looking like that, sweetheart?" You really despised pet names... You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned to glare at his stupid, smirking, over-confident face.

"I don't recall that being any of your business." This guy really pissed you off for some reason you didn't quite get. You contemplated killing him and then changing your face. You still had the barista face that you were planning on using yesterday for your job but you didn't end up killing anyone. 

He tilted his chin up slightly, eyes still glued on you and mouth still shaped into a smirk. If you seriously had to deal with this jerk for another day you were doing an unpayed murder. "There's no need to get feisty, doll face," The stupid pet names... "I was just asking a question." You bit the inside of your cheek and stomped your boots over to him and shoved him up against the wall, digging your elbow into his shoulder. "You're kinda small, ain't ya sweet cheeks." He was right. If it weren't for the massive height difference, this would be a whole lot more intimidating..

You dug your elbow into his shoulder until he was visibly in pain, and then kept it like that. "Listen here buddy, I'm not here to fuck around. I moved here for work and that's that and if you keep pissing me off like this, someone's not making it out alive. Got it?" You backed off and turned to retrieve your belongings but clearly that wasn't happening when that asshole grabbed your wrists and pinned you up by your hands leaving you unable to use your quirk. You snarled and tried to break free but he wasn't having any of it.

"Your turn to listen sweetie," Sweetie.... That's what your Mother used to call you... "Don't you dare go thinking you can control me. I'm very hard to control. It's why I'm out here by myself. I'd rather we all get along here, you see. You must think you're some pretty tough shit, don't you? Who the fuck do you even think you are?" you squirmed in his grasp but he was clearly much stronger than you were.

"Hada. You can call me Hada." You looked him directly in the eyes while telling him your alias. If he were a villain, he'd undoubtedly know that name, which he clearly did as his eyes grew wide upon hearing that name and his grasp on you loosened. You took this chance to raise your knee to his crotch, making him release immediately. You quickly walked away pleased with yourself as you left him grabbing his package in pain.

You figured you should probably drop by the bar quickly to complain to Kurogiri about the asshole he had placed you with. You arrived at the abandoned pub and let yourself in. Kurogiri stood behind the counter polishing glasses still. You wondered if the glasses were actually constantly getting dirty or if he simply had no other way to use up his time. His head turned in your direction and he nodded to you in acknowledgement before looking back down at the glass he was currently making sparkle. You took a seat and looked around at the base. It was relatively small and had a TV opposite to the front door. Above the TV was a poster of All Might that had been battered with holes. Shigaraki was no where in sight.

"Is there a reason for your appearance, Miss Hada? I don't recall calling you over." You looked at him, searching for any sign of expression but his face stay still and his tone was genuine and not full of much emotion.

"It's about the place you have me staying at, actually. There's this jerk that won't leave me alone." You looked down in embarrassment. The great Hada was complaining about some annoying neighbor.

"We can move you upstairs if you want. I just assumed that you would want a nice place. I apologize for any inconvenience." 

"W-wait! The place is lovely, Kurogiri, it's just that guy pisses me off..." Your new apartment was really nice and you figured that Shigaraki probably slept upstairs and he also pissed you off.

"Surely an independent woman like yourself would be able to handle a situation like this, Miss Hada." Damn it, you're seeming weak. You can't let Shigaraki know about this because he'd probably get some sorta ego boost from it and feel superior towards you or something.

"O- of course... Shigaraki doesn't need to know about this either, are we clear?" You looked at him confidently although the slight stutter wasn't making you seem as confident as you wanted to be. The sad truth now was that Shigaraki and Kurogiri were technically your bosses.

"Why of course. Also, we are aware that this isn't your true face so you'll need to show us later in order to gain an equal level of trust." You never showed your actual face... You gulped down and slowly nodded, your lips pressed together.

You left the pub and started your venture back to the old place. you considered keeping it for emergencies but the likelihood of you being in a situation where you need to run away were slim. You packed all of your very few belongings into the many backpacks and suitcases you owned. There was no way you could carry all of this back to your new apartment... It's an hours walk and you really didn't trust taxis. 

You sat there on top of your very full suitcase and thought of a solution for your small dilemma. You really weren't in the mood to walk back and forth with all this luggage, especially with the travel time. The only solution that you could deal with was to call Kurogiri so he could teleport you and your stuff over. If you were going to work together then you'd need to get familiar and know that you could rely on each other. Plus he probably has nothing better to do than babysitting Shigaraki and polishing already clean glasses.

you entered in his number and waited for it to ring three times before he picked up.

"Hey, Kurogiri, I could really use your quirks help to move all my stuff over real quick if that's fine with you." You heard the muffled sound of voices and the shadowy man placing down a glass before he responded.

"Hello, Miss Hada, me and Shigaraki will head over there to assist in a second. I'll just need to know the exact address please." Oh, so Shigaraki woke up. He seems like the type to sleep in. 

You gave him your address and waited a few seconds before a dark pool of smoke opened up in front of you revealing the blue haired male wearing casual black emo clothing. The portal closed and Kurogiri stood behind Shigaraki.

"Hada! Helloooo so good to see you. So I heard that you are in need of some assistance." His voice was as dry as his lips, his mouth curled in a wicked smile that screamed big ego. You tried to act polite so you smiled at him as sweetly as you could.

"Thanks for coming guys. I really don't want to carry all of this back to my new apartment by myself. This'll make things a lot easier so thank you so much, I mean it." They were useful for the most part. You open the door, revealing the bags upon bags of luggage. Shigaraki's eye twitched in disgust at the sight of all the work he had to help with. 

Kurogiri opened his portal while you and Shigaraki carried your belongings through to your new front door with idle chit chat filling up the awkward void. Thanks to the help from the villainous duo, it didn't take longer than 10-15 minutes to be done and saying your farewells.

"Thanks for the help you two, just call me when you have something for me to do." You half bowed and smiled crookedly before unlocking your door. The last thing you saw before you completely turned your back was Shigaraki walking through as Kurogiri vanished.

You opened the door and begun arranging your apartment. You figured that once you get some more money you could decorate and make it more homely. If you were going to be staying here every night for a while, it should at least be comfortable and cozy. 

You lay back onto your couch and laid your head back, finally getting some rest. You were falling asleep when you heard a knock on the door. 

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