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He walked like a shadow through the night. Every step he took being absolutely silent, hands in his pockets and head facing down. His curly,dark brown hair dangled over his eyes, contasntly reminding him it's time for a cut,but the young boy loved it, he felt safer with it in his face, the shy boy loved to be hidden. But yet he would love to have it cut, because at the same time of loving it he hate the feeling of things touching him,and that included the hair tickling his face.
It was confusing for him to always love but yet hate everything,but that's who Declan is; a very conflicted, confused child. Everything was a debate to him.  Does he like long hair or short? Cats or dogs? Day or night? Or most importantly,
Is Declan good or is he evil?

The answers are simple, but very much not. Caught in a in between of both everything and nothing. You see, Declan is a nephelam; half demon, half angel. If you're confused, then you're right on track, because so is he.

And so there he was, in a fast paced walk down the sidewalk, with only the occasional street lamp giving him light, as the usual bright moon in the sky was covered by clouds. Declan was in a rush to get back to his home, because just as much as he loved the night, he was deathly afraid of it.

It was nearing ten o'clock, Declan had been sent out to the store by his uncle to buy some groceries, but the long walk into town caused him to get there,just as they were closing. Declan was worried to get home, as he knew his guardians would be disappointed of his empty handed return.  But they were always so understanding, so why be so worried? Poor little Declan hates upsetting people. Well, kind of.
He also loves to make people angry, with his little pranks, and sarcastic remarks. The young 15 year old could be quite annoying with his indecisiveness of sides.

'Am I good, or am I bad? Am I happy or am I sad? Will I ever know who I truly am?' It was a daily debate inside his head.
Declan sighd as he walked up the porch to him 'home', he slowly opened the door wishing he continued to walk through the small country side village he lived in, and enjoyed the night a little more. But he stepped inside, slipping his shoes off to the side. his black socks slid across the dark wooded floor as he walked more into the house, peaking Into each opened door for his aunt or uncle, when he saw them sitting on the couch in the living room, my grandparents by their side.

"Oh, I didn't know you two were coming over, I would have gotten home faster" Declan softly said as he shyly sat next to his Uncle. He's always been a shy kid, even to his own family.

"It was kind of last minute,  no need to worry" Declan's grandfather said, looking at the young boy with a stern face. His grandparents were very loving, but also very strict. They wanted the best for Declan,and would do anything to get him the best.  They've always known of what Declan is, but they all have hidden it from him until recently, when his aunt and uncle had to take him in, then they decided it was time for him to know. It kind of cleared things up for him, made him understand himself a little better,but he also has never been more confused.

"The uh.. the store was clos-" "it's okay Dec." his Aunt Pamela cut him off, gently setting her hand on his knee, "we have some news"

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