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There Declan sat, in the window seat of an airplane. The big news? A spontaneous 'vacation' to Italy. But if you were to ask Declan how he felt about it, he'd rant as to how sketchy this trip is. They were hiding something, and that scared the boy deeply.

His leg tapped rapidly as he chewed on his nails, his anxiety getting the best of him. "How much longer?" He whined.
"Declan for crying out loud we just got in the air"
Declan groaned in boredom. It was a 10 hour flight from Italy from Michigan. Declan hated being stuck in a little seat for that long, he needed to be able to move. He leg began to tap faster, as he felt very trapped on this plane.
"Relax sweetpea, take some melatonin and try to sleep" His Aunt Pamela said in a soothing voice.
He sighed and reached down to the small backpack he had sitting between his feet,and pulled out a small plastic jar of melatonin gummies. He hated pills, as he always had a problem swallowing them, so he always got the gummies, they tasted heavenly to him anyways.
Declan smiled at the wonderful taste of strawberries the melatonin gave, and turned to his right to look out the small airplane window. Thick clouds covered the air, making it impossible to see the ground. Declan's smile grew bigger, he has always loved clouds. They are the most beautiful things in the world to Declan. He has always dreamt of touching one, to know what it feel like. He always imagined it to be a cold, wet mist. Declan loves the feeling of a mist.
He stared, wishing to reach out of the window and grab one.

"What do clouds feel like?" He asked quietly, trying not to disturb the other passengers with his voice.
His Uncle Thomas sighed, tiredly. he was hating the flight just as much as the young boy. "I don't know Declan, probably misty, like fog"
Declan gasped happily with a big smile on his face,his head snapped back to the clouds, "I knew it" he excitedly whispered to himself.
His aunt Pamela let out a small laugh, listening to the  small boy beside her.she loved the boy and his silliness, everything he did was absolutely precious to her.

Declan's mind began to wonder again, why did they need to go to Italy? It was out of no where. Declan has never been out of the country before. He doesn't even speak the language. None of them do.
So why would we go to Italy?
Aunt Pamela would just tell him its for family time, but that didn't seem right, they way she looked down when she said it, she was obviously hiding something.
Declan's anxiety was killing him, he wanted to cry. The boy closed his eyes, 'just relax Declan' he thought to himself.

'It's a family vacation, a lot of people go on these, not everything is an conspiracy. Just relax. Think of the clouds, imagine you're floating through the sky, drifting through the air like a cloud. Feel the soft mist sprinkle against your body. '
He began to relax, his tapping leg slowing down.

'I'm okay'

But the little voice in the back of his head wasn't completely silenced.

'Something doesn't feel right'

Soon enough though, the soothing thoughts of the clouds put the boy to sleep.

Aunt Pamela put her book down, and stared at the young boy. The anxiety the boy had caused such heartbreak to the woman. She always hoped and prayed for the child to find peace in his own mind. She had always loved the boy as if he was her own, she would do anything for him to be happy.
Even if that meant letting him go.

The middle aged woman sighed and returned to her book, hoping the boy would sleep through the ride.

Declan woke a few hours later. He yawned and gently rubbed his eyes,  "how much lon- oh" he cut himself off after realizing both his guardians were asleep. He let out a small groan, 'airplanes are stupid' he thought.

'I'm so bored'

"Ladies and gentleman, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and and all carry on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you."

"YES!" Declan exclaimed, earning a few chuckles and a few glares. The boy blushed and looked to his Aunt and Uncle, shoving Pamela's arm."wake up ! wake up !"

"Flight attendants, please prepare for landing"

Declan practically bounced in his seat, his smile grew with every announcement the pilot made.

But then his smile dropped, as he realized what really was happening, the plane was about to land. Declan hated the feeling when planes took off. He grabbed his Aunts hand, and she squeezed it with reassurance.
The plane began to descend, and his stomach tied tightly into a knot. He closed his eyes and waited for it to be over.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Florence. The local time is 11:47, and the tem--" 'yeah yeah open the door' Declan interrupted the pilot with his thoughts, eager to be free from the plane.

But of course everyone decided to take their time, causing Declan to be grumpy , sitting with his arms crossed he waiting for his turn to leave.

The boy practically ran out the door, wishing it was socially acceptable to kiss the ground.

"Finally" Declan said to his family. They laughed and his Uncle Thomas gave him a gentle shove, "come on, lets go find our luggage."

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