Chapter 7

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All of a sudden the door to the restaurant swings open, creating a huge bang and all you can see is a flood of people. You can’t see a thing, all you can see are people crowded around the door and cameras flashing. You decide to wait for everything to die down before trying to see who actually walked in. after it all died down after about five minutes of screaming girls, you then realized who had walked in. One Direction walked into the same restaurant as you. “I think they are stalking us,” Rebekah said jokingly and you all laughed.  

Louis seemed to have a girl hanging of his arm and none of you new who it was. She had medium length black hair. And was around the same height as Louis. She was really, really pretty. She was wearing a baby blue strapless dress that came down to around her mid thy. She was wearing really sparkly high heels and had a small white clutch in her hand. 

Zayn also had a girl hanging off of his arm. She was really pretty also; these girls were making me feel so insecure about myself. She was around Zayn’s shoulder height. She had a dark navy blue and cream coloured dress on, it was very beautiful. She had black wedges on and a small black and cream coloured clutch in her hand. Her hair was a brown colour and went down to around her mid back. 

They walked over to there table followed by about a hundred photographers, not really a hundred more like ten. All the waiters and staff started to get angry at the photographers and started to tell them to go outside. You found it quiet funny to watch. But you were to busy concentrating on what was happening over on the other side of the room to realize that Rebekah and jade where waving their hands in front of your face.

“Hey you have Niall’s number still, right? “Jade questioned and you nodded.

“Well don’t just sit there, text him!” Rebekah insisted and you gave her a ‘why would I do that’ look.

“Why?” you questioned “because he is sitting right over there, that’s why!” jade insisted

“Ok” You said pulling your phone out of your bag “what do I say?” you paused “Don’t worry I no what I’m going to say” You said unlocking your phone and opening a new message

‘I thought the fans were meant to stalk you not the other way around :P’ You typed into your phone and  pressed send. Your phone vibrated making the whole table vibrate with it, “Niall Replied! “Jade screamed

‘What?’  He sent back ‘turn around’ you replied, as you sent it you saw jade and Rebekah, from the corner of my eye, turn around waiting for Niall or any of the other boys turn around.

You turn around to meet nialls gaze, your eyes lock and it seemed like you are the only two people in the room, you snap out of your daze when you get a blocked call. Should I answer it? You ask yourself. You decide to let it ring out. You try to think who it could be. You were kind of worried you hated blocked calls; you hated the idea of not knowing who is trying to call you.

 ♥ ♥ ♥

When everyone finally finished their meals you all got up and started to walk towards the door, you suddenly felt a gentle tug on your arm. You turned around to face who had stopped you, it was Niall. 

" Hey umm.. I was wondering if maybe.. You would like to come out to lunch with me and the other lads tomorrow?" he asked you. "Your friends can come to if they like"

You turned to look at them and they both nodded in acceptance, but you still had to ask your mum. "I will text you later and tell you if we can come tomorrow or not , ok?" you said looking him dead in the eyes.

He smiled "ok" 

You started to walk away as You and the girls talked about what might happen tomorrow and what they were going to wear. They were so excited

A/N: Sorry short chapter .... just a filler though, comment ,vote whatever you do but this story is kinda crap. its the frist story i have ever written so ye.... its kinda shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2012 ⏰

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