Chapter 5

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Your plane finally lands in England after a very long flight, sitting next to a fat man for twenty-six hours straight. To be honest it wasn’t the best flight you have ever had. All of you are really tired from the long flight. It’s really early in the morning, your not really sure what time exactly but you kind of figured it was early seeing that it was pitch black outside. When you reach the end of the terminal you see there’s no one in the airport besides you, jade, Rebekah, your mother and the other people who got of your plane and two young boys. They were just standing in the middle of the airport with their bags. One of the boys has dark long dark curly hair; he was wearing a dark green t-shirt and jeans with a white pair of converses.

His friend had blonde hair and was wearing a white shirt with a blue jumper over the top. He was also wearing a pair of jeans with vans. You turn around to see Rebekah hyperventilating, then you realize, the two boys standing right in front of you are Harry Styles and Niall Horan.

Rebekah is freaking out at this point, she pretty much ran up to harry and tackled him, not literally. Rebekah screams in his face “Oh my god, its harry styles! Will you marry me!?” He’s startled as Rebekah scared him. She hugged him tightly, you could see clearly that harry was struggling to get out of tight grasp, and personally you knew where harry was coming from. Your mother chased after her and pulled her off of him and walks her away from the boys to try and calm her down. Both you and jade walk up to them and apologize for Rebekah’s actions. Harry accepts and the both of them start to have a conversation with you and jade you start to tell how you won tickets to their show.

“We won tickets to your show on Wednesday night, well Charli did, she just brought me along” she explained to the boys.

“Yeah we got backstage passes to, so we could come meet you guys backstage after the show” you said to them, niall was smiling at you. You couldn’t help but smile back.

“Oh well that’s really cool. So what hotel are guys staying in?” Niall asked, you looked at each other and shrugged.

“I’m not sure, I will have to ask my mum, she has all the details and boring things like that” you said with a smirk on your face, niall and harry giggled.

“Well here’s my number, ask you mother what hotel your staying at and text me, ok?” niall said as he handed you a small piece of paper with his number on it, you couldn’t help but smile at the small piece of paper.

“Ok” you take the paper from his hand and he smiles, showing off his braces.

“Well we have to go now, bye girls” harry said as Paul was calling the both of them to a very dark van with very dark windows, so dark you couldn’t even see through them. You and jade smile and wave goodbye to the boys as they start to walk away towards the van.

“Bye I will text you later” you yell across the airport, Niall turns around and smiles and waves at you.

It finally hits you about what just happened, you just Niall Horans number! You can’t believe that just happened to you, you of all people you! Your so happy now, you have the biggest smile on your face, its so big that its starting to hurt your cheeks but you cant stop, no matter how hard you tried you just could pull a straight face. You wait until they get inside of the dark van and start to drive away to release a huge scream of happiness. Rebekah runs up behind you and scares the living daylights out of you, you turn to see Rebekah standing there, confused to why you screamed. Your mother was slowly making her way across the airport; you yell, “Hurry up mum I need to ask you something!” Rebekah is still confused at this point, you explain to her while she walked away fangirling somewhere, and you got Niall’s number and had a full on conversation with Niall and Harry and how niall wanted to know what hotel you were staying in. Her jaw drops and she screams in your face, the three of you jump up and down, jade and Rebekah were so happy that you got Nialls number. Now all three of you were yelling at your mum, telling her to hurry up because she seemed to be taking, what felt like forever!

 ♥ ♥ ♥

All four of you squeeze into a tiny taxi; three of you have to squash into the back seat with half of your luggage as it didn’t fit in the boot of the car and your mother sat in the front seat. It takes you an hour and a half to get to your hotel, as soon as you get out of the squashed taxi; you take out your phone and text Niall.

Hey Niall, its Charli, we are staying at the Brooklyn Hotel.

Your phone vibrates, Niall messaged you back, and “ok, cool we are staying in the same hotel Maybe you guys could come to my room and meet the other guys? They are in my room at the moment”.

You turn around and ask your mum if the three of you can go, she agrees to let you go if you come back at around eight. The three you agree and all of you messages Niall back informing him that you are coming up in about ten minute, after you put you bags away. All of you pile into the elevator to get to your room to put your bags inside. You start to walk down the long silent hallways, jade turns to Rebekah and grabs her by the shoulders and say " when we go in you cant stand there and scream in their faces or tackle any of them this time ok?" Rebekah nodded and giggled a little as well as you and jade. You continue to walk down the hallways when you hear loud banging and yelling from the room ahead, it was Nialls room. You knock on the door and wait for someone to answer and let you in.


My phone vibrated in my pocket, it was Charli 

Hey Niall, its Charli, we are staying at the Brooklyn Hotel.

I messaged her back telling her we were in the same hotel and that they should come up to my room to meet the other lads as they were in my room at the moment

My phone vibrated once again, it was Charli again just telling me that she was coming up in about ten minutes.

"Who keeps texting you?" Zayn asked. "Its that girl I was telling you about, the one harry and I met at the airport today ". I told him and he nodded and I could see harry in the corner of my eye making kissy faces. 

"Stop it harry!" I yelled, he looked at me and giggled. 

"I could see the look on your face when you where talking to her, u like her don’t you?" harry asked, I shrugged I didn’t know if I liked her or not seeing I only just met her but she was very pretty.

I looked around my room and it was an absolute mess already, we had only been in the hotel three hours and my room was already looking like a bomb hit it. 

"Lads help me clean up before she gets here!" 

"Where do we put it?"  Louis asked, I looked around the room to see where we could put everything. 

"Just ...uh ... just throw it all in the cupboard I will fix it later" I said while throwing and kicking my entire pile of things into the cupboard. 

I could hear footsteps and girls giggling coming from the hallway. Then there was a knock at the door

My judgements clouded *Niall Horan love story*Where stories live. Discover now