chapter 3: He's just a friend

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Micheal's POV

Calum, Rebakah, and I were sitting in Rebakah's room, talking. As her wing people, we should always plan and think thoroughly. Though, Rebekah seems to think we don't do any of that.

I honestly have no idea what she's talking about. I always think before I do something.

Rebekah's phone lit up, and she smiled excitedly. "Carson just texted me. He wants to know if I would want to hang out with him on Saturday", she squeals.

Calum takes a minute before he says, "Don't you have your cheer competition on Saturday?" He asks her. Her face falls but immediatly lights back up when I say, "Why don't you invite him to the competition, and then y'all can hang out after?"

See, I told you I plan thoroughly.

It finally was decided. Carson had accepted the invitation, and Rebekah was freaking out. "What's dad going to say when he meets Carson?" she panics. Calum walks over to her and helps her steady her breathing.

"You can just introduce him as your friend", I suggest. "You do have another guy friend, i'm sure he won't mind. She starts freaking out again. "Yeah, but Zach's dating Rose. He knows that me and Zach will never get together because Zach and Rose are pretty much commiited".

Calum hugs her. "Don't worry, I can handle Ashton. You're a teenage girl who's been through a lot. You deserve to do at least one normal thing that teenagers do, besides go to school".

She looks at us. "Okay, fine". With that, we talk about other things.

At dinner, Rebekah was sitting in between Ashton and Luke.

Ariana gets a text message. She unlocks her phone and begins to text back when Ashton starts to speak. "Beki, no phones at the table". He grabs the phone out of her hands and looks at it.

"Who's Carson?" her eyes begin to widen. "Oh, umm...he's just a friend". Ashton looks at her, suspiciously. "He just moved from Nebraska. He is actually coming to the cheer competition".

Ashton has a weird look on his face. "Ok then, i'll get to meet him". Rebekah's eyes widen more. "Ummm, after the competition, we made plans to hang out". she added.

"Just you two? What about Rose, Jess, and Zach?", he questions.

She looks really uncomfortable. I hit my hand on the table, and it starts bleeding. The things I've done for this girl. I get up and start acting over dramatic as usual. "Oh my gosh, I think i'm dying".

Ashton rolls his eyes. "Oh for heavens sake, you're not dying, Micheal". Luke gets up. "C'mon Micheal, lets go bandage up your hand". With that, I walk with Luke into the bathroom.

Rebakah's POV

I've never loved Micheal more than I do right now. I need to remember to thank him for getting me out of the uncomfortable conversation. Dad looks back to me.

"You have a check up on Monday", Calum snickers at this. I swear, he loves to see me suffer, sometimes. I give him a glare and put my plate in the dishwasher.

The next day, dad and I are sitting in the living room. We are watching High School Musical, when Troy and Gabriella are singing Breaking Free. I look to my dad to see him looking at me.

"I'm sorry I haven't really been able to talk to you much", he gives me a guilty look. I come over to the couch, where he is sitting and I lay on top of him (that probably sounds bad...)

He smiles at me and together, we end up falling asleep.

Luke's POV
The boys and I come back from the hospital to see Ashton and Rebekah asleep on the couch. They are honestly so cute. They have such a bond. Since that thing happened with Maddie, they have had a closer bond.

I know Ashton feels guilty about it. Heck, all of us feel bad about it. It was literally right under our noses the whole time.

Taking a glance at Beki, seeing her peaceful face was enough to make me satisfied. She looked like she didn't have a worry in the world. Oh how I wish life was like this.

That poor girl. She didn't have the life that every other teenager had. She never had an opportunity to have a good childhood.

I started to think about the other night, when Rebakah was talking about her new friend. To be honest, I think she liked him. I also think Calum and Micheal know about it too.

I wake up Ashton and he wraps his arm around Rebekah. He picks her up, and carries her bridal style. She stirs and Ashton softly shushes her.

They are the cutest:)

AN: What did y'all think? Not a lot happened but don't worry,
more drama is coming ;)
Who is maddie?

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