Chapter 29: Periods

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Rebekah's POV

It was a couple hours sice we had went to the store, and I was in pain. I had taken some Ibuprofen and had a heat pad up against my lower stomach, but nothing seemed to help.

So, I did what I do best, went to show Calum, Dad, Luke, and Michael that I was in a bad mood, so they needed to be in a bad mood too. Walking down the stairs, as usual, I see them watching TV.

"Daddy", I whine and throw myself on top of him. "Baby, you can't throw yourself on top of me like that. A little warning would be helpful next time", Dad laughs. "But I'm in pain", I complain. Dad rubs my stomach. "Luke, does Rebekah look a little pale to you?" He asks Luke. "She does look pale, but it could just be from being on her period. I'll monitor her. If your cramps get worse, let me know", he instructs.

I fall asleep. When I'm woken up, the pain is gone. "Hey Baby, are you still in pain?" Dad asks me. I shake my head. "Good, because we gave you some good painkillers". 

My phone vibrates, signaling a text.

Julian: Hey, wanna hang out?
me: I would love to, but I'm bleeding, so no.

Once I had sent the text, I realized how rude and freakish I sounded. These stupid hormones.

30 minutes later, I had woken up from another nap by someone knocking on the door. Luckily, Calum was in the kitchen, so I didn't have to get up and answer it. "Awww, is that chocolate for me?!" I hear Calum ask. I lift my head at the word chocolate.

"Rebekah, look who came to see you", Calum smiles. I lift my head to see Julian with a teddy bear and a box of chocolates. "Julian, what are you doing here?" I ask surprised.

"Well, I thought I would be a nice person, ignore your text, and bring you chocolate and a teddybear", he says. I hear Michael, Calum, and Luke in the kitchen awwing. Dad was at work.

"Thank you. you didn't have to. I'm sorry, I probably look a mess right now", I say referring to my sweat pants, hoodie, and messy bun. He chucles. "Don't worry, I think you look beautiful either way", I feel my cheeks getting hot. Of course, Michael, Luke, and Calum are eavesdropping and awwing at us. "Oh my gosh, we don't need any comments from the cheering section", I yell at them.

Once again, Julian and I were watching 13 Reasons Why. I sigh, feeling happy and content.

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