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Spencer's POV-

I feel that if I wasn't in Hotch's office when Morgan called I would not be helping with Garcia. In fact, I'm always just there when something bad happens. Nobody calls me... Nothing...
I think I'm going to go talk to Hotch about this.

I walk in to Hotch's office saying "Hey Hotch, can I talk to yo--- whoa! Guys! Get a room....!!!! A different room.... Away from here! Gosh!" I'm scarred. I just walked in on Emily and Hotch making out on Hotch's chair. I wonder how long this has been going on...! They haven't even dropped any hints that they were "dating"....
I still can't put together why nobody ever calls me... Even when we are in the field, I always have to be with someone. Do they think I'm too young for this? This is the only question I can't answer myself. I'm tired of being treated like I'm just a little kid. Tomorrow morning I'm asking all of them all of my questions.

*the next morning*

Morgan's POV-

Reid called us all to be around his desk at 8:30. Nobody knows why... Penelope and I been with him since Hotch told us to stay together. If anything was wrong I don't see why he wouldn't just tell us then... Whatever. I just hope he's alright.

Penelope's POV-

I'm still freaking out about Miles being back. I'm so scared that I'm going to see him somewhere and he's going to kill me.. I can't do this anymore.. He has no trace of where he has been the past two years, he doesn't have a bank account, he doesn't have insurance, he doesn't have anything! Not even a car under his name. I can't find anything except his prison file. But that's not helpful, all it says is that he got into a few prison fights, refused to listen to guards, and then he was out. This doesn't tell me where he could be. I can't handle this stress of knowing that at any point, he could show up. And if this isn't enough, Reid just stormed out of the building, and I haven't been paying attention to what he was saying or what anyone else was saying to know what happened!
"What happened with Reid!? Why did he just storm out!?" I asked in a major panic.
"You were here... Did you not pay attention to what just went on..?" Emily asked.
"No... I was thinking about---... About puppies. They are so cute and I just want a million of them....."
Hotch looks at me and so does Derek. I can't help but almost start to cry..
"It's okay baby girl. Don't cry. You're safe in my arms." Derek says hugging me. I burst into tears. I can't hold it back anymore...
"Well I guess we should tell you guys now. Everyone in my office." Hotch says. I can't move. I'm frozen in fear. Hotch and Derek walk me into the office. I can't handle this anymore. I sit down and cry.

Derek's POV-

"What's wrong? Why is Penelope crying? Is Reid leaving really that much on her..?" Emily said.
Really? She thinks Reid leaving will make Penelope cry like this? No. Obviously not! Reid didn't even leave. He said he will be back! What the heck Emily.
"No. We found a note in Garcia's parking spot. And when her and Morgan got back from their honeymoon they found a note on their door. We know who it is. But he has no records of where he has been for the past 2 years."
"Why only two years? Go back 10. Or go back 20. Do anything to find him. If he's that much of a threat to her right now..." JJ said. At this point my baby girl is crying harder then when we started. I handed her a box of tissues and gave her a kiss of her head. I hate seeing her like this.
"These are the notes... We know where he's been the past 20 years... He was her boyfriend for 8... And he's been in prison for 10.... He got out two years ago and now he's nowhere to be found...." Hotch said handing the notes to Emily and JJ. They both freeze after reading the notes and then they both got a very angry look on their face.
"We have to find this jerk. He's not hurting her again." Emily said with extreme rage.

Penelope's POV-

Suddenly my life has turned into a BAU case. I went into my tech room with JJ by my side, and everyone went elsewhere. We treated this like it was a case we had no idea about. But now I'm really wondering where Reid went. I need him here to protect me... I finally ask JJ.
"Where did Reid go? What happened?"
"Well... Spence called us all around his desk, as you know, and he asked us all... 'Why do you guys treat me like I'm a little kid?' We all were trying to talk to him and then Emily asked 'why do you think we treat you like a little kid? Who does?' And Spence said 'you all do! Nobody ever calls me for anything, nobody ever tells me anything straight on, you all just tell each other and I'm just the person who has to listen in and find out through other people. I can't take it anymore. I'll be back. Maybe.' And he got up and left..."
"Oh my gosh! No! Why didn't Derek speak up?! I need Reid! I need him! He's supposed to protect me from Miles! No. I need to call him right now!"
"What do you mean? We will protect you.. If he doesn't come back, we will make sure Miles doesn't hurt you."
"No. I need Reid. I'm making him come back. I'm calling him right now."
I'm freaking out. I don't know why I need Reid so much... I know that the team will protect me.. I know Derek won't let anything happen to me... But why do I need Reid so much...?
"What Garcia." I heard Reid's voice say on the other end of the line. I was so happy he answered for me.
"Reid you have to come back. I'm scared. Please come back I need you to be by me when Derek isn't here. Please? You're my protector."
"Garcia, you know I love you guys. But I can't stand the team right now---"
"If you love me you will come back here and protect me."
JJ gave me a weird look... She mouthed "I have to go pick up Henry" to me, and left. Now I'm alone.
"Reid get back here now! Nobody is here by me and I'm scared!!!"
"I'm right here Garcia. Don't worry. I'm here.." He gave me a hug because I was crying again... How the heck did he get here so fast!? But I felt so relived when I saw him.
"I think I'm going to leave the BAU..."
He said to me.
"No. No. No!!!! You're not doing that to the team! We need you! We need you more then we need anyone else! Please! Don't leave!!" I screamed, and I guess I screamed so loud because now everyone was standing in my computer room.
"Reid don't leave. I won't let you. You're a major part of this team we need you a lot." Hotch said, " if you're mad because we don't include you in things then we will. We are sorry we have been treating you like your a kid. But you're not and we need to understand that. Please, don't leave this team."
"You guys don't understand do you...?" Reid replied to Hotch's long statement.
"You can't fix this by telling me you're going to include me in things. It doesn't erase everything else.."
"Reid, please don't go...." Emily said looking at him and tearing up.
"But I have to.."
"Reid..." Emily said attacking him..(hugging him basically)
"Emily I'm sorry. All of you, I'm sorry."
He said crying.
"Well obviously now it shows you don't love me..." I said and I stormed out... I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around thinking it was Reid... It wasn't..
Before I knew it, everything went black....

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