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Natsuki woke up with a groan. Her body was sore and aching. Everything hurt. She glanced down. A large purple bruise covered her thigh. Damn it, she thought. She had been five minutes late home and this was what she got for it. She shuddered to think what her dad might have done if she had taken much longer. Sighing, she got out of bed. Quickly she put on her uniform and began to make her way down the stairs. She checked the fridge, empty! There was nothing in the cuboards either aside from a few cans of beer.
Making a quick mental note to look for loose change on the walk to school Natsuki left the house, closing the door quietly behind her.

She arrived at school with five minutes to spare and looked around for her friend Sayori. Late, of course. Natsuki couldn't help but feel somewhat concerned for her friend before she shook the feeling off. This was Sayori she was talking about, she was always over sleeping. Anyway, the only person Natsuki needed to worry about right now was herself. At the other end of the building she spotted Yuri, a fellow club member. Natsuki didn't have anything against the girl but there'd was something about Yuri that had always annoyed her. It might have been the look of irritation she had given Natsuki when she said that she read manga. She also disliked the stuck up air the girl had about her. Natsuki debated asking Yuri whether she could borrow some change but the school bell rang before she had the chance to.

First period passed completely uneventfully, aside from another pupil tripping Natsuki up on her way in. She had never exactly been popular with the other students. Most people found her far too rude and unfriendly. The only place Natsuki really felt at home was inside the literature club. The day went by slowly as usual until finally it was time for the clubs to begin. Pulling open the door to the literature club Natsuki was greeted with an unpleasant surprise. A new member was sat at the front on one of the desks. To make matters worse, they were a boy. Natsuki took one look at Sayori's guilty face and knew she had invited him. With a groan Natsuki stormed off to the corner, got out her manga and began to read.

The club room door swung open to reveal Yuri and Monika. Taking a look at the newest member Yuri blushes lightly. Natsuki scowled. Wait a second, why should she care who Yuri likes, it's not as if she liked her. Or did she? No, that would be stupid, how on earth could she possibly be attracted to that irritating purple haired idiot? There was no way.

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