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Yuri opened the door to see a shaking Natsuki stood outside. She grabbed the girl and pulled her inside. Immediately she began to yell questions," what happened? Did he hurt you? Are you alright? ". Natsuki shrugged before muttering," I cant take it anymore ", when she looked up her eyes were shining with tears." I thought I was strong, but-I-I'm really scared! ". Yuri held the girl's hand and pulled her into the living room."You don't have to go back ", her voice raised as she saw Natsuki shaking her head,"Stay here, with me! Please Natsuki, You don't deserve to be treated like this. " Yuri blushed at her sudden outburst," I know we don't always see eye to eye but please stay here, with me. "
To Yuri's suprise Natsuki nodded slowly. Umm, Yuri was thrown off, what now? She saw Natsuki looking at her expectantly."Oh, right here. I'll show you to your room ". Yuri opened the door to the guest bedroom. Natsuki smiled as she took in the room. There was a shelf which she could put her manga on, a desk for writing poems and a large bed.
Natsuki looked up at Yuri."Thanks I guess ", she muttered. Tsundere, thought Yuri which is something she would never dare to say aloud. Yuri picked up her phone and saw a message from Sayori asking if the club could have a sleepover. She showed the text to Natsuki who nodded excitedly before asking if they could make cupcakes. They went downstairs into the kitchen. Instantly Natsuki began to rummage through kitchen draws pulling out random ingredients and equipment.
Yuri glanced over," Don't you need a recipe? " Natsuki scoffed," Please, you amateur! I already have one memorised. Yuri rolled her eyes, at least they were back to normal. Once the cupcakes had cooled Natsuki divided the batch in half and gave Yuri the task of decorating hers how she liked them. Yuri mixed up a lilac icing and piped elegant pink roses on top."Nice! ", explained Natsuki," pink and purple is a beautiful combination, don't you think? "."Yes ", replied Yuri," They work well together. "

Natsuri- Against all oddsWhere stories live. Discover now