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Yuri sat down in front of Natsuki at the kitchen table. She had made them both cups of tea. Her aim for this conversation was to get Natsuki to keep her cute a secret but to also find a way to help the girl. She would like to make Natsuki leave her father and come live with her but she knew Natsuki would never agree.
She sighed." You go first ", said Natsuki. Right, thought Yuri." Umm, well my parents started leaving me home alone for work months at a time when I was thirteen ", Yuri began nervously. Natsuki nodded," Around three years ago they stopped bothering to come back. "She looked away sadly,"I always knew that I was nothing but a nuscance to them though, anyway at that time I got really lonely and I learnt that a way to make those feelings go away was to cut. "She paused before continuing," At first it was a simple coping mechanism for bad days but know it's all got out of hand. It's an addiction, I can't stop, I even have my own knife collection ". Yuri turned away to hide her pain before remembering." Right, now your turn ".
Natsuki took a deep breathe before beginning," I was ten years old when my mama passed away. It was a hard time for us all and my father turned to alcohol to get him through it. I guess that he needed someone to blame and I was the only one left. He began to beat and starve me saying that he wished I was dead. At first he would cry and apologise, he doesn't anymore. He doesn't see me as a person, I'm just another reminder that she's gone forever to him. "
Yuri moves over to Natsuki and wrapped her arms around the girl. For a second Natsuki froze before she hugged Yuri back. Yuri looked nervously at Natsuki."I think it would be a good idea if you maybe moved out... you could come and live with me and ". Yuri was cut off by Natsuki shaking her head sadly."I'm sorry Yuri but that's not possible "."Then ", began Yuri,"let me make you lunch! Please, you're way too skinny and I have to do something to help ". Natsuki looked down before nodding in agreement.
Natsuki blushes,"Yuri, you know that I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to ". Yuri nodded."I really need to get home ", Natsuki muttered, looking down nervously at her watch. Yuri sighed knowing that she was right before pulling the keys out of her shirt. She opened the door," Stay safe ", she murmured. Natsuki looked back with a sad expression before forcing herself to smile,"I'll try ".

Natsuri- Against all oddsWhere stories live. Discover now