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Yuri's alarm went off and she awoke with a start. She got dressed, ate breakfast and poured herself a cup of peppermint tea. She examined her wrists. She had wrapped them up in bandages and currently they weren't visible. She would have to be careful though. She had the feeling that the cuts could reopen at any time. She left the house and began her journey up to the school. When she arrived in the courtyard she saw a small figure hunched over as if they were in pain.
Yuri walked over to Natsuki feeling very concerned. Natsuki was very pale and shaking slightly. This wasn't the first time that Yuri had seen the girl like this. Observing Natsuki's tiny frame Yuri was struck with a horrid thought, did she have an eating disorder!? Yuri moves closer to Natsuki." Hey, are you feeling all right? ", she asked very gently. Natsuki's voice sounded raw as she replied," yes, I'm fine Yuri ".
Yuri walked over to the vending machine before buying two chocolate bars and a pack of crisps. She blushed lightly as she came near to Natsuki again. She shoved the bar of chocolate and crisps into Natsuki's hand."Eat ", Yuri muttered, going red. Natsuki looked up gratefully at Yuri before she began to scoff the food so fast that Yuri thought she was gonna throw up.
The bell rang and the girls headed to their classes. Throughout the day Yuri obsessed over why Natsuki was so hungry. She didn't act like she had an eating disorder and she seemed grateful to Yuri for buying her food. So what was it? Her mind went through the possible options; maybe her parents were neglectful or there was just not much food in the house. She thought about it for so long that she missed the bell that signalled the end of the day.

Yuri began to sprint towards the club room when BAM! She knocked into someone and sent them flying. In front of her Natsuki lay curled up and whimpering in front of her. The fall had hurt her much more than it should have. Yuri picked up the small girl. She was worryingly light and dragged her into an empty classroom. She began to undue the girls buttons whilst pinning a squirming Natsuki against the desk. Sure enough the girls stomach was horrific. Her stomach was sunk in and her rib cage looked like it was trying to burst out from beneath the papery skin. Large black and blue patches were littered across the skin alongside numerous scars." Natsuki... explain ".

Natsuri- Against all oddsWhere stories live. Discover now