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Natsuki picked up the tray of cupcakes and followed Yuri out of the room. For some reason she had a bad feeling about this sleepover. She really hoped that Sayori and Monika weren't plotting anything. Speaking of Sayori, Natsuki remembered that she needed to check that her friend was alright. She was pretty sure that Sayori had a crush on mc so Monika flirting with him was not good.
They arrived at Sayori's front door and rang the doorbell. At once Sayori leapt out at the two girls and began squealing about the cupcakes. They went inside and saw Monika sprawled across one of the sofas."Ok everyone, to start I think we should watch a film ". Natsuki nodded in agreement."Could we watch a horror? " requested Monika. Yuri nodded enthusiastically and Sayori shrugged. They all turned to Natsuki. Natsuki hates horror but she didn't want to look like a coward so she nodded before saying,"let's do it! " The movie they chose to watch was one called Hush. To say that Natsuki was terrified was a huge understatement. She was curled up on the edge of the sofa shaking when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. Ah looked up to see Yuri."It's ok if you're scared ", the girl whispered. Natsuki nodded before moving closer to Yuri.
Once the film was done the four of them headed up to Sayori's room."Ok ", smiled Monika,"it's time for a bit of truth or dare!! "Natsuki turned pink and Yuri looked away, surprisingly Sayori also went red."So ", giggled Monika,"you've all got some fun secrets! " It was Yuri's turn to play and she chose truth. It was Sayori who spoke up," why did you hug Natsuki in the middle of the film! ", she demanded, sounding almost possessive.
Yuri went dark red,"I-well-uh, she looked kinda frightened so I wanted to comfort her, "Yuri paused before blurting out,"also I just wanted to hug her okay! "Monika clapped her hands and Sayori scowled. Yuri then asked Monika who picked truth."who do you like? ", asked Yuri. Monika giggles before announcing,"mc, of course! "."Sayori, hug the prettiest girl in this room! "Yuri's eyes widened as Sayori walked over to Natsuki and smirked."N-Natsuki ", Yuri rushed as the room went silent,"who is your crush?".
Natsuki looked down before glancing back at Yuri and replying,"you. "

Natsuri- Against all oddsWhere stories live. Discover now