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Alex's POV(the next day)
     Apparently I had to meet the rest of our team for the tournament, why? I have no idea but Zofia has insisted. I had my ak-74 slung across my back as I walked into the sim room, I paused as I noticed Pulse, Caveira, Mira, Mozzie and Doc standing to the side in their gear. I walked up to Zofia "why are they here?" As I flicked my head towards the 5 operators standing around she glanced at them before replying "They're gonna practice with us after we get you familiar with our rigs and gear set ups" I sighed before nodding as Zofia led me to the other 3 team members: Buck, Thermite, and Twitch. I gave a small nod as Zofia started explaining the rappel rig they've created to allow for use of the primary. It seemed simple enough but getting used to a new way of rappelling after 13 years of a different technique was a struggle. I'd start to get the hang of it before I'd mess up something and drop 3-4 meters to the Mat below, I groaned after this last try as I sat up rubbing my back having just fallen again. I heard Zofia next to me "why don't you try something else?" I glanced at her "I don't tell you how to be a soldier, don't tell me how to be a man" I heard some whispers from the operators watching but I couldn't make out what they were saying as I began my final attempt to get the hang of this technique, I breathe deeply as I focused on my anchor points as I made comfortable time up the East wall before reaching the top and beginning my descent back to the ground via inverse rappelling. Once I was comfortable and proficient in my new technique, we moved onto the drones and all the controls on the phone I got after introduction. Another 5 minutes passed as we went over all the new toys before we were ready for the practice game, I was excited I haven't had anything combat related in 4 days. As I loaded my magazines with the glorified paint ball rounds I sat away from the group, still isolating myself until Caveira sat next to me "ei, pronto para perder?(hey, ready to lose?)" I glanced up as I started loading a new magazine "você é um tolo se você acha que vai ser tão fácil(You're a fool if you think it'll be that easy)" she chuckled "talvez, talvez, mas pelo menos eu não sou um idiota(Maybe, Maybe, but atleast I'm not a dumbass)" I glanced up as I finished the magazine "algumas pessoas pensam que podem me enganar, talvez ... talvez, mas ainda não encontrei alguém que possa ser mais esperto(Some people think they can outsmart me, maybe... maybe but I have yet to meet one who can outsmart a bullet)" she laughed openly as I hopped off the table so I was standing as I held out my closed fist as she gave me a fist bump "Be careful, I might just have to shoot you" before walking over to my teams putting a mag into my Ak and pulling the slide, chambering a shell, as I listened to the plan. (A/N it's Bank) Buck and I were to clear upstairs while Thermite, Twitch and Zofia would clear the ground floor before we moved to the basement to attack the CCTV and Lockers. I simply nodded as everyone but me asked questions, Zofia noticed "Spartan, why aren't you asking questions?" I shrugged "It's war, I'm not counting on this plan working" she gave me a weird look as Thermite asked "What do you mean?" I looked at him "The first casualty of any battle is the plan of attack, I'm not betting on this plan going smoothly." He nodded slowly as I heard the announcer say "Defenders to the building" I got asked by buck "Why an Ak? You're American spec ops aren't you?" I nodded "Host nation weapons, no ones gonna think about a Russian made round on Russian territory" he paused before nodding "You make a point" just then I heard the announcer "45 seconds to match start, Attackers drone the building" I sighed as I pulled out my phone and started moving through the building listening for any sound that's give away their location "Cav's heading to the basement, Mozzie is on ground floor as is Pulse." A couple seconds later I heard Twitch "Well they're on the top floor, so changin' the attack?" I paused listening to hear the answer Zofia gave until Thermite spoke "Twitch you're with me, we're going in through the balcony. Spartan and buck, you're still on roam clear, get them off the ground floor and hold it. Zofia you're on skylight watching the hallway while we open the walls" I glanced at buck as he grew excited I checked my vest making sure I've got everything as the drone phase came to an end. "Attackers, infiltrate and defuse a bomb" from the announcer as buck and I quickly moved through the back alley spawn into the open area after droning it clear. I set up my claymore on the server stairs before joining buck as we breached into the archives before I paused as I heard the familiar sound of a nitro cell getting primed as I tackled Buck away from the wall 2 seconds before it detonated. I spun and lifted my shotgun as I saw the barrel of pulses m1014 come through the hole causing me to fire early alerting him to our position and causing him to withdraw. Buck nodded his thanks to me as I stood and spoke "Get up, you're no use to me on your ass" before we prepared for a siege, just then the wall infront of us detonated as I saw an outline of an operator in a beret, assuming it was Caveira, Buck fired a burst but released the trigger when we heard "Watch your fire! blue on blue!" Pierce the silence we ran over to find Zofia cover in the white marking paint before the announcer spoke "4v5" I sighed before lifting my shotgun as I heard footsteps infront of and behind us, I waited this time until Mozzie turned the corner with his commando up and ready as my paint pellets hit him center mass and threw him to the ground I noticed he was down as I slung my AK and pulled my USP walking up to the downed Aussie firing twice into his chest as I walked past him knocking him out of the game and evening the player count. I holstered my USP and pulled my Ak up as I turned the corner heading through the staff cafeteria to loop around to archives as I heard buck's C8 barking to life as I continued my careful approach before I noticed Doc crouched behind cover 10 meters infront of me as I sighted down the barrel and fired 12 gauge buckshot into his back causing him to jump at the sudden sound and bolt of pain in his back stumbling forwards as the force of my shell carried him with it before buck hit him 5 times and dropped him. "4v3" announced the announcer as I heard 3 suppressed shots and Buck yelling "No! no! N-" before his radio cut out. I paused as I heard Caveira "I hope you're more of a challenge than the one I just offed" before the announcer spoke "3v3" Twitch spoke into my ear "Be careful, she knows where you are" I quickly snuck through the hole towards open area, where I last saw Buck seeing him motionless on the ground as I crouched looking for any signs of Cav, I transitioned into the hallway groaning at the metal detectors going off before I heard a second set of alarms going off echoing the ones I'd created. I spun swinging my shotgun to try to hit whoever it was until it was blocked by Cav and her knife using her arm to brace the block. I smirked as I did two backwards somersaults putting space between us as I drew my pistol on her onto to see she'd done the same. I mentally did a count down before squeezing the trigger multiple times as she pulled the trigger 2 times hitting me in the head "Killing" me while my 5 rounds peppered her chest and took her out of the game as well. "2v2. 45 seconds remaining" I walked over to Cav as I shook off the throbbing headache and extended my hand, she scowled as she took it groaning out "você e aquele dedo disparador besteira(You and that bullshit trigger finger)" I chuckled before grabbing my head "Χρίστου, αυτό τσιρίζει σαν μητέρα(christ, this stings like a motherfucker)" she gave me a weird look "what?" as we walked outside sitting down on the bench watching the round play out before I spoke breaking the silence "Well that's anti-climactic" Everyone turned their attention to me as Doc asked "What do you mean?" I glanced over "Everyone knows I'm good in hand-to-hand combat because of Lion, you all fear Caveira like she's the reaper because of her CQC skills and then we meet in one in one battle and 3 moves later we're both out via gunshots" they chuckled as buck spoke "I'd pay to see you two box, I need to know who's better" I shrugged and leaned back as Cav nodded "I want to be the best" I winced as I watched thermite drop to the ground because Pulse fired through the floor and hit thermite in the crotch cause him to scream in pain before blowing himself up using his brimstone. I sighed watching the feed as Caveira chuckled "você vai perder, levou um tiro e vai perder(you're going to lose, you got shot and you're goin to lose)" I didn't reply as I watch twitch move towards the objective before taking fire from a nearby Black Mirror causing her to start back pedaling firing into the area next to the window before her F2 cleared empty and she pulled her p9 and pushed into room through the hole in the wall as Thermite plopped down next to me as he grabbed doc "Ice bag, Now Gus! Now! Pulse shot my niblets!" Doc ran to a cooler and back over handing thermite the relief for his pain as I offered him my flask of Whiskey "This'll help" he took it as we watched Twitch catch pulse on a rotation up the stairs and fire 8 rounds into the back of his head dropping him faster than concrete shoes in the bay. Just a 1v1 now "1v1. 15 seconds remaining!" I got slightly impatient as she'd have to plant the defuser and hold Mira off. Once Twitch had set up her rotation claymore she began planting being forced to pull off the plant and forfeit the round as Mira pushed the corner. I smirked as Cav taunted me "como é ser o número dois?(how does it feel to be number two?)" I glanced at her "It's only round 1, we still have time" she laughed as they went to set up another bomb site while we planned and I switched out my AK for my M16 figuring the extra range would be helpful.
Time skip to the final round
    I sighed looking at the score, 4-5 match point for them and it's a 2v5. I glanced over at thermite as we prepped to breach into the cctv room, I heard a singular footstep on the staircase and tapped his shoulder and shook my head no as I quietly snuck over to the stair case as a barrel peaked around the corner, I got ready to attack. I saw the bloody glove as I grabbed her wrist and yanked her into me as I dropped my shoulder flipping her over me as I placed my foot on her chest and fired 3 times "como é isso para levar um tiro?(how's that for getting shot?)" I nodded to thermite as I prepped my smoke grenades as the announcer spoke "2v4" and the exo-thermic charge detonated kicking the wall into the bomb site as I threw all three of my smoke nades into the site running in deep and typing into the defuser under the cover of smoke whispering "Η Αθηνά με οδηγεί στη νίκη(Athena guide me to victory)" as I finished setting the defuser and lifted my m16 hearing the sound of heavy footsteps as Thermite's 556 was heard followed by 2 thuds and the announcer speaking again "2v2" just then I whispered into the radio "I'm pushing, hold the defuser" I received a brief "Rog' you can count on me" I carefully crawled to the wall before moving through the door noticing Mira as she turned towards me just as I activated my strobe light the three seconds she'd be blind would buy me more than enough time. I went to fire at her until the wall detonated kicking my aim off target as I moved to the left suppressing the hallway and hole in the wall before I reloaded as I moved towards the vault. I paused as I heard a shotgun get cocked before I backed away from the corner until I saw a hole get punched into the wall as I shifted my aim to the hole and fired half my magazine into the wall as I heard a groan and a thud before the announcer spoke "2v1.... 1v1" I went to reload before I realized I was out of magazines. I slung my m16 across my back and pulled my USP running toward the defuser turning the corner I fired 4 rounds hitting her 3 times as Mira tagged me with 2 rounds marking me as killed and went back to defusing. I groaned as I fell to the ground before I heard "The defuser has been disabled, mission is a failure. Defenders are victorious" I stood and punched a wall in frustration putting my fist through it as I threw my empty magazines down the hallway before I slumped against the wall burying my face in my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder and glanced up to see Mira "there's always next time" I shrugged her hand off "No, there was now. There was now and I failed" she sighed "Losing doesn't mean failure, it's just about learning from that loss" I remained silent as I slowly stood and walked down the hallway to retrieve my magazines. Once I got all my gear, I slowly made my way outside seeing the rest of the team. They all looked at me as I stared at the ground standing a couple meters away holding my gaze steadily on the ground with my hands in my pockets and my shemagh pulled up covering the lower half of my face as Zofia spoke "Come over here, you're a part of this team too" I sighed before walking over "I fucked it up" I heard buck "Spartan, it's not your fault, no one blames you for the loss." I glanced up looking around at each member "how isnt it? Mhmm?! I didn't do my job and we lost because of it!" I heard Zofia "Calm down" I spun "No! I won't be lied to so you can make me feel better! I fucked it, i know I did...I had my job and I didn't do it!" Thermite went to speak as I threw my headset and stormed off to try to calm down. 10 minutes later I found myself sitting in a tree over looking the area thinking. Do I really look that dumb? That saying it isn't my fault is going to make me forget I'm a fuck up? Eventually my thoughts calmed as I remained in the tree for a while longer until I heard the signal whistle and I looked down seeing Huntsman "I figured I'd find you here" I nodded opting not to speak as he climbed up into the adjacent branch and looked at me "So what's got you so pissed off?" I kept my eyes on the landscape "My team tried lying to me telling me it isn't my fault we lost the scrim" he nodded "and how is it your fault exactly?" I glanced at him for a second, thinking about lowering my walls for a minute before I spoke as my eyes shifted to the squirrel in the nearby pine tree "I couldn't defend the defuser, thermite got tagged by a c4 and I wasn't ready to kill Mira." He nodded "Erebus, that's not your fault. That's war, things don't often go the way we want. It's okay to lose kid, don't give up on your team I was watching the match" I shifted my attention to him "do you ever feel like the world would be better if you weren't alive?" He wore an expression of shock for a couple seconds before replying "No, do you feel like that?" I shrugged "Sometimes.... sometimes" he gave me a look before dropping from his branch "Come on, I want to show you something" I dropped down and followed him as we moved back towards base. After a little while, we were down the hall from my room when Huntsman came to a halt "See Caveira?" I nodded "Shes been waiting for you since you stormed off" I choked on my spit before inquiring "Why?" He shrugged "Maybe it's the budding rivalry you two have built, or the friendship that lies beneath the competition. Maybe it's because you two are both loners and want someone to lean on" I nodded slowly as I asked "What do you want from me?" He looked over "you don't have to go and destroy your walls, but make atleast a few friends starting with Cav" I sighed before nodding and walking towards my room watching as her head snapped up towards the sound of my boots. I gave a small wave "Hey Cav, wanna come in and get off the cold floor?" She nodded "that'd be preferable" I unlocked the door and motioned her inside closing the door behind us as I asked "So why were you outside my room?" She glanced at me "I was waiting for you to come back" I nodded "Any reason?" She froze for a second before replying "I don't know, I guess it's because I consider you a friend. I doubt you view me as one but" I spoke "A friend huh? I like the sound of that but I can't call my only friend by her callsign" she gave me a look "But I can call you by yours?" I sighed "I need your word you won't tell anyone my name, it's highly classified no one can know" she nodded "You've got my word" I sighed "You first then" she extended her hand "Taina, taina pereira" I shook it "Alex, Alex Moshier" she gave me a small smile "Nice to finally meet you Alex" I sighed "only call me by my name when were alone alright? I don't need command on my ass" she nodded "How're you feeling? You seemed pretty upset earlier" I looked down "Like a fuck up, if I was in position we would've forced OT" she nodded "it happens to all of us, by the way your team was pretty worried about you when you stormed off" I nodded as she spoke "Agora, como se sente em segundo lugar com a minha idade?(Now, how does it feel being second to little old me?)" I chuckled despite myself "irritante, agora eu só tenho que treinar mais(irritating, now I'll just have to train harder)" she smirked "estarei esperando para chutá-lo de volta na lama(I'll be waiting to kick you back into the mud)" I waved her off "We'll see" she lifted her fist as she stood as I gave her a fist bump as she headed towards the door as I called after her "Taina," she turned and looked at me with curiosity painted across her face as I continued "Thank you, for everything" she gave me a nod with a faint smirk playing on her lips as I watched the door close behind her.

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