Trouble in tournament town pt.2

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Alex's POV
    I stood and extended my hand to Cav as she spoke "We'll bound out 50 meters, vigil should come with us" he nodded and walked over after grabbing his rifle, I pulled my Ak up and nodded to Cav as she smirked and we walked towards the outpost. I sighed a daylight raid is always more dangerous, I found my eyes laying on Taina huh, I guess this is what it feels like to be human again, she looked back "Hey Spartan, you good?" I shook my head "Yeah, just wondering about this raid. Daylight is dangerous" she chuckled "spoken like a true spook" I rolled my eyes "I'm serious" she nodded "I know" as vigil asked "Why does she call you a spook?" I chuckled "I'm CIA, like a ghost, spooky." He nodded slowly "So like secret police?" I shrugged "I guess? We're more anti-terrorist than government control" he spoke again "What did you mean by "enhanced questioning"?" I glanced over "Since torture is illegal, we have enhanced questioning. Same thing different name" he looked at me "Is that legal?" I glanced back "Almost nothing I do is legal" he asked again "is that why your uniform is unmarked? And why you speak so many languages?" I nodded "I get deployed all over the world, gotta be able to talk to the people" he nodded as we crouched next to a shrub as I handed my binos to Cav "Here" she grabbed them and started searching the base "Yeah, they don't really have sentries, just a couple guys standing on roofs" I spoke "No, no, they had guards they were ready. Somethings wrong." She looked back "How sure are you?" I glanced at the compound "pretty sure, I mean I kill one of their patrols, they're expecting us and now they don't have guards? It's suspect" she nodded as vigil radioed Blackbeard "we've got developments" we waited for them to get to us and then Cav spoke "Spartans pretty sure something's wrong. They've reduced their guards, one of their men is missing and they were expecting us" he nodded "so what do you think they're doing?" I spoke "I think there's a trap waiting for us" he nodded "any ideas?" Glaz spoke "we could pull back and bomb it" I listened as everyone offered different ideas until I spoke "why don't we just spring the trap?" Every head snapped towards me "what?" I shrugged "I've done it in Venezuela, if you're ready for it, traps aren't that bad" Blackbeard sighed "What do you propose?" I shrugged "Cav and I sneak in, you three pull overwatch. We clear out as many as we can silently and then deal with the trap when it's sprung and you three help with overwatch" he nodded "alright, let's go" I looked at Taina "you willing to do this?" She nodded with a smile "I've got your back, what's the line? hoje à noite jantamos em hades?(tonight we dine in Hades?)" I nodded "that's the one, speaking of the gods. Εστιάνα, φέρτε την οικογένειά μου σπίτι. Ares, δώσε μας το πνεύμα των 20 λύκων. Νίκη, μας φέρνει σε μια νίκη.(Hestia, bring my family home. Ares, give us the spirit of 20 wolves. Nike, carry us to a victory)" I stood from my crouch and nodded as we descended towards to outer wall of the base, I was expecting there to be many enemies out and about but it was barren, just a couple sentries that were quietly shot by Glaz and hidden by taina and I. We were walking through an alley, I was leading, as an enemy walked out infront of me I pulled my knife and charged, slamming the enemy into the wall before stabbing him several times before kicking him head and looking as he slid down the wall settling in a hump as I lifted my Ak and we prepared to enter the main outpost the one that holds the files. I sighed as we approached the building, carefully, I paused as I had a bad feeling and looked down "Cav, stop" she froze and looked at me as I motioned to the ground "It's mined" she looked down and noticed the mine at her feet, she looked up at me as I saw a bit of fear creep into her eyes. I asked "you trust me, right?" She nodded as I carefully made my way towards her when I was arms length away "Take my hand" she did and i counted down "3, 2, 1" when I hit 1, I yanked her towards me catching her and spinning so if the mine detonated my bag and vest would take most of the blast. She had her eyes closed and I felt her muscles tense when I spoke and we stood "We're good, stick close and if I blow up, walk there" I said the last part jokingly trying to lighten the mood, she chuckled as we stood and Blackbeard came over the radio "What's this ballerina dance about?" Caveira replied "It's mined, I almost stepped on one" he sighed "alright, be careful" I started towards the building again dancing around mines until we reached the door. "Spartan and Caveira, going interior" Glaz spoke "Comrade, be careful. I don't have eyes into the building" I nodded as Taina spoke "Acknowledged" I put my hand on the doorknob "you ready?" She nodded as I twisted the handle and pushed it open, Cav entered and checked the corner to the close left while I entered and checked the close right before we checked the rest of the room "Clear" I heard Cav across the room "clear" we moved to the next room and noticed three enemies at a table playing cards, "you wanna take the two on the left?" She nodded as I lifted my rifle and kicked the door in firing my AK 3 times hitting the enemy, twice in the chest and once in the head as his body crumpled to the ground with a satisfying thud. My rifle shifted to the left as Cav hit the last enemy we nodded to each other as I walked into the nearest room with my gun up as a mask lunged around the corner trying to grab my rifle, I responded by releasing my AK and pulling my pistol firing 4 times into his gut as I threw him into the wall and he slumped causing me to fire into his head making sure he was dead as Taina came around the corner "you good? I heard a- oh" I waved before holstering my pistol and lifting my Ak again. I moved into the room checking corners before I looked into the center of the room and saw a couple dead Greek military personnel "γιος του, θα τους πάρει. θα τα καταβάλω. (son of a-, I'll get them. I'll make them pay)" Cav entered the room after me "the rest of the rooms-, oh, oh my... I'm sorry Erebus" I crouched next to the bodies and looked at the dog tags "Angelos, I grew up with him." She patted my shoulder "let's finish the mission, we can give them a proper burial later" I nodded slowly as the rage built up, I spoke into the radio "Spartan and Caveira, moving to the second deck" we started up the staircase as Glaz spoke "two enemies in the officers room, they look like they're searching for something. A pair is in the hallways, doing rounds" I gave a short reply "affirm" I paused as I heard footsteps coming nearer, Cav pressed herself against the wall as these two Masks walked past us before we rushed up and covered their mouths stabbing into the base of their necks as we dragged them down the stairs silently. They struggled for 5 or 6 seconds before falling still causing Cav and i to drop their corpses and sheathe our knives and move up the staircase again. I sighed "we still have to clear the rest of these rooms" she nodded "let's get moving then" just then I heard a suppressed shot and a window breaking, Glaz came on the radio "I'm engaging any enemies I can in the rooms adjacent to the hallway" I didn't reply as enemies flooded into the hallway trying to escape glaz. I glanced back to Taina "You ready to earn our paychecks?" She nodded as I flicked my firing mode to fully automatic as Taina got next to me and we came up the staircase firing into the huddled up groups of enemies, there were about 30 enemies in the hallway. By the time my ak clicked empty and Taina's M12 clicked empty, there were 12 enemies remaining with Caveira and I taking cover as I pulled out a new magazine and flicked my used one out replacing it with the full mag before I popped out of cover and fired into the enemies as Cav popped over the cover and started firing into the enemies. One of the enemies threw a frag at us, Cav tackled me down the staircase as it detonated. I tried bracing but didn't have the time, when we impacted I felt a sharp pain as taina started to get up as an enemy appeared at the top of the start case causing me to rip my pistol out of the holster and fire into him 6 times watching as his corpse tumbled down the staircase. I stood up slowly, as I looked at Cav "how was your fall?" She chuckled "Some idiot landed below me so I'm fine" I stretched "yeah, I know right" before lifting my Ak and moving up the staircase again, 6 enemies remain. I flipped my rifle to semi again and fired into the enemies 3-4 times each. Starting with the first enemy who was pushing down the hallway, I shot each of his knee caps before lifting my rifle and firing into his head twice. I pushed up to the corner before I fired down the hallway catching 2 enemies with a round or two before they hauled ass into cover as Caveira came up firing into the enemies as they peeked out. We started up the hallway talking guns, I'd fire until my rifle cleared empty at which point Cav would fire her magazine until it was empty and I'd start firing again. We rounded the corner and mowed down the remaining 3 enemies "Clear!" I looked at Cav "Go lead the other 3 through the minefield and have an EOD team get up here" she nodded and went to go and help them as I called huntsman "Any idea where these files are?" He was quiet for a second before he replied "4th floorboard from the west window, they'll be tucked there" I hung up and moved over quickly yanking the floorboard and searching through checking to make sure nothings missing I took off my bag and went to place the files into it when I heard the door open and froze. I peaked over my shoulder and saw Blackbeard leaning against the door frame "so Spartan, what're you doing?" I zipped my bag and stood slinging it on "That's none of your concern" he blocked my exit "oh I'm sure it is, what did you grab?" I glared at him seeing his nerve start to fray "Listen closely, when I say something is none of your concern... It's none of your concern! This is above your clearance level, clear out" he sighed "The CIA and their secrets" I chuckled dangerously "we do our job, do yours and fuck off" he looked at me "Answer me this, is this the only reason we're here?" I glared "No, just remember you say anything about this and you're going to prison for treason" he nodded and walked out of the doorway, I followed a minute later as I called huntsman "Blackbeard walked in as I put the files in my bag" he sighed "Did he see what was in the files?" I replied "No, he only saw me shoving something into my bag" huntsman tiredly asked "Did he ask any questions?" I spoke "Yeah, he didn't get anything besides that it wasn't the only reason we came here" he chuckled "Alright, I'll have a talk with him, make sure he doesn't talk" I spoke "I already reminded him he says anything about this and it's treason" as I hung up and walked outside, Blackbeard was looking at me as I sat down next to Cav "how's your headache?" She looked over "It's not too bad" I nodded "good, your altitude sickness will go away fairly quickly then" she looked down "I'm so tired" I stood "let's get going" Blackbeard nodded "Vigil, Mark the beginning of the mine field" he nodded as I helped Caveira up and we moved through the minefield. It was a quiet walk until we arrived at the extraction point. We waited for 45 minutes until the helicopter arrived and then we slept on the flight back to the base. I woke up 20 minutes later and looked around the chopper, spotting Blackbeard awake, the only other person awake, as He looked at me "you wouldn't have actually tried me for treason, would you?" I sighed "We would've done whatever we needed to protect national security, I don't want to but if you tried telling everyone about what I was doing I would've" he nodded "Okay, no speaking about the CIAs dealings" I shrugged "Huntsman is gonna talk to you when we land, cooperate and it'll be painless." He looked at me "Literally or mentally?" I chuckled "Depends on huntsman" he shivered "Fuck, you boys are scary" I chuckled "I do what I love" he asked "And what's that?" I gave a dangerous smirk "Torture, war and spreading the good word of Uncle Sam" he tried to get further away from me as the Helicopter hit some turbulence and Cav slid down the seat landing on my shoulder as I leaned back "Dont worry Squid, keep your nose clean and I won't hurt you" and closed my eyes falling asleep rather quickly. I woke up again at the jolt of the helicopter as it landed, I grabbed my rifle and tapped Cav awake "Come on T, we're here" she yawned as she stretched and pulled out a tooth pick before grabbing her gear and hopping out I followed after her "Hey T" she turned towards me, looking over her left shoulder "Yeah?"

 I woke up again at the jolt of the helicopter as it landed, I grabbed my rifle and tapped Cav awake "Come on T, we're here" she yawned as she stretched and pulled out a tooth pick before grabbing her gear and hopping out I followed after her "Hey...

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I smiled, a genuine smile, "thanks for saving me in that hallway" she gave me a smile "thanks for saving me in the minefield" I jogged to catch up to her as I saw Blackbeard and Huntsman walking off together. "Wanna go get some food?" She nodded still wearing her smile as I held my smirk and we set off on our hunt for food.

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